Advanced Marketing Training, SFL Europe


SFL Europe's



What is it about?
An extension of the standard LC training for selected participants who are interested in marketing and who want to gain more experience in this area. It will consist of both theory and practice. It will run from July to September.

Who can take part?
Any ESFL Leader

The successful trainees shall become professional leaders in marketing, gain credentials and take up more responsibilities before and during the LibertyCon.

A certificate, job recommendations and two days Retreat at one of the RCs. A special prize for the best.




  • It must be something amazing and unique to gather all great young minds across of Europe to fight for an idea, for liberty! Being 'Heralds of freedom’, as they call us in my country, means to think progressive, constructive and as a great leader not for those who will follow you but for those who will learn from you. I learned that by becoming a member of European Students For Liberty
    Slobodan Franeta
  • We were born in an extraordinary era; there have been a lot of political and social changes in the world during last decades. Due to Students For Liberty the first active libertarian youth movement emerged and is already playing a crucial role in defending and promoting liberty worldwide. Thanks to SFL we find ourselves standing united on the right side of the history - changing the word to a freer place.
    Mariam Gogolishvili
  • ESFL has given me the opportunity to travel and meet numerous liberty lovers from all over the world, but most importantly, it has empowered me and given me resources to fight for something I care: individual liberty. When I know that I have the support of the ESFL network, I feel capable of accomplishing things that I wouldn’t have thought myself capable only one year ago. What I love the most about ESFL is that we do not get involved in the dirty game of politics. We care about ideas and the spread of those ideas among the people that will shape tomorrow’s society: students.
    Christophe Andre
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