New Events Intern: William Smith

william smithHow do you contribute to SFL in your new job role?

I am currently working as the events intern working with Stephen Duke. On any given day, I am going over regional conference budgets, helping set up conference pages, or ironing out event contracts and proposals. Lately, I’ve been doing a lot of work with the upcoming FreedomFest, such as reviewing scholarship applications. I’m also a North American Executive Board member and the Events Director for the Colorado Regional Conference, so I’m also working to grow the Great Plains region and using what I’m learning as the events intern to improve the Colorado RC.

How did you first get interested in liberty?

When I was about 12, my dad made me extend our driveway; I didn’t really want to, but I got to work on it. After a few days of work, it was finished and I was pretty proud of it. A week later, cops came knocking on our door telling us that we had to undo all of my work because my neighbor had complained about it. Ever since then, I’ve seen the government as an agent of destruction and all of my studying has helped to reinforce this idea.

Who do you think is the most underrated libertarian thinker?

Voltairine de Cleyre was an early 20th century anarchist philosopher whose work and activism helped pave the way for the growth of libertarianism as a social and academic movement. Her support of anarchism without adjectives helped establish libertarianism as a big-tent movement where all are welcome as long as long as they reject violence. Voltairine’s essays and poems are beautiful endorsements of freedom and liberation, and she should be counted among the greatest of the founders of modern libertarian activism.

On a non-liberty note, what do you like to do in your free time?

I like hiking and swimming, going out for drinks with my friends, bingeing on Netflix, and cooking. I also love reading books on my NOOK and even write my own short stories.

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