
Calling All Young Entrepreneurs of Faith

Calling All Young Entrepreneurs of Faith

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Tomorrow is the last day to apply for the Faith Entrepreneur Prize, which offers $100,000 to a young social entrepreneur looking to change the world through faith-based community engagement. The prize is part of Forbes’ Under 30 $1M Change the World Competition and the judges are looking for an “entrepreneur of the spirit” who has created a charitable organization that might be the next Repair the World, World Vision, Interfaith Youth Core, Science for Monks, American Islamic Congress, or Focus. As reflected in these examples, the prize is not intended to celebrate any particular faith tradition or notion of God, and applications are welcome from anywhere in the world. 

If you’re someone whose conception of liberty is driven by faith, then you’re aware of the value of social entrepreneurship and of the need to rebuild community connections destroyed by the expansion of the state. The Faith Entrepreneur Prize is meant to empower young people with disruptive ideas for changing the world in areas like interfaith tolerance, faith-based charity work, and community support. Whether your project aims to rebuild civic society, protect religious freedom, or promote charitable giving, you should apply today!

Who is eligible to apply?ForbesUnder30_facebook (1) 

  • Active social entrepreneurs who are under the age of 30 at the time of the competition and are founders, co-founders or top executives of their organizations.
  • Applicants from anywhere in the world (entry must be submitted in English).
  • Those who are already actively engaged in a social enterprise—this is not a business plan contest, but one that will reward and accelerate those entrepreneurs already making a difference.
  • Must be able to travel to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania from October 5-6, 2015 for the Forbes Under 30 Summit.

If you fit the description and want the chance to scale up a project you’re working on, get an application in ASAP! Submissions will be accepted until 11:59PM EST on August 26, 2015 and finalists will be announced on September 9, 2015.

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