Constitution Day Activism Contest

You’ve probably seen by now that Students For Liberty is offering $100 grants to help you with Constitution Day activism. We’re already pretty excited for Thursday – and hope that you are too – but we’re especially thrilled to announce another aspect of the program today. What’s better than receiving $100 to help you corner Constitution Day?

How about winning an additional $1,000 by using that grant to do something especially creative or effective? That’s right, we’ll be rewarding the best use of a Constitution Day Activism Grant with $1,000 towards Regional Conference travel and lodging costs. That’s enough to get your whole group to the nearest RC!

To be considered, all you need to do is take advantage of SFL’s Constitution Day grant program, fulfill the requirements by writing a brief blog post and sending us your pictures, and use the hashtag #ConstitutionOnCampus this Thursday, September 17th to show the world what you’re doing to promote the Constitution and stand up for student rights!

Constituion DayWe’ll be watching the “airwaves” and the school that creates the most Constitution Day buzz on social media will win the $1,000 prize. Extra points for creative approaches to Constitutional issues and an especially active social media presence. We want to get #ConstitutionOnCampus trending across the country and make sure that everyone knows what day it is.

If you need ideas for creative events, check out the SFL blog, where we’ve been posting ideas and highlighting effective events. And join us at 6:00 pm EST to hear from Rob van Tuinen, a Campus Coordinator who, in 2013, was stopped by campus authorities for handing out pocket Constitutions on Constitution Day. He ended up winning $50,000 in a free speech lawsuit with the school and has great advice for activism that leads to real change on campus. After all, if you don’t hold your schools accountable, no one will.

So, step up to the challenge today, and put the #ConstitutionOnCampus! Here are the contest details again:

  • What: #ConstitutionOnCampus Activism Contest
  • Prize: $1,000 towards RC travel and lodging
  • When: Thursday, September 17th
  • Where: All over the Internet! (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc)
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