Announcing SFL’s Speak Freely Activism Grants

Announcing SFL’s Speak Freely Activism Grants


Free speech is one of the fundamental building blocks of a free society. But lately, free speech and expression have been under consistent attack both on college campuses and more generally through invasive government policy. Over the past few years, college campuses — which were once hotbeds of free and open discussion — have become home to restrictive speech codes and aggressive tone policing.

In an uncomfortable and ironic chain of events, the generation of students that fought oppressive speech regulations in the 60s has joined the ranks of university administrators. They have turned their backs on the principles of free speech that they once so adamantly defended. Under their direction, college campuses that used to encourage top minds to intensely and vigorously debate all sides of an issue, have eroded into places of enforced conformity and mealy-mouthed politeness.

Students For Liberty is fighting back. From now until April 30th, student leaders like yourself can apply for a $250 reimbursement for any activism related to free speech and free expression. Apply now to make your campus a safe space for free speech!

Apply Now

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