Europe Blog

August 7, 2017

July 2017 Update

  European Students For Liberty JULY 2017 UPDATE ESFL Eastern Europe Retreat The future of liberty in Eastern Europe is bright. On the 16-19th of July, Ukrainian Students for Liberty hosted the very first European […]
July 29, 2017

Europe: Qui est Ayn Rand – September 16

On 16th of September, Students For Liberty Paris proudly presents its conference “Who is Ayn Rand?” Qui est Ayn Rand ?   Le mouvement Students for Liberty en France organise le samedi 16 […]
July 29, 2017

Europe: Weekend of Capitalism – November 18-19

On 18-19th November, ESFL Poland proudly presents its Weekend of Capitalism at the Warsaw School of Economics. Capitalism, which mechanisms created vast amount of wealth and brought millions of people out of poverty, […]
July 28, 2017

How ‘Unschooling’ Opens New Ways of Education to Children

Remember school? Long and painful hours of disheartening top-down teaching from a professor who knows very well that none of his students have any interest what so ever in the subject at […]
July 26, 2017

You Will Go To Jail for This

“Overcriminalization,” which is the use and abuse of the criminal law instead of civil or administrative law to “solve” every societal problem and punish every mistake, is an unfortunate trend. The criminal […]
July 26, 2017

Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing: European Union Calls for More Regulations

The Parliament of the European Union is calling for longer lifetimes for products, once again meaning more regulations to defend the well-being of European consumers. At least that’s what they say. While […]
July 25, 2017

The UK’s dangerous attempt at internet censorship.

The UK’s attempt to censor the internet would be laughable if it weren’t so dangerous. Theresa May’s Government has set its sights on further alienating an increasingly important young electoral demographic through […]
July 24, 2017

The Fight Against Darknet Markets Will Lead us Nowhere

The past week was a sad one for online freedom. Liberty’s last sanctuary has been threatened once again by the usual, ignorant and relentless governmental bodies in Europe and the US. Their […]
July 24, 2017

How to Spread Liberty in a Progressive Environment

The only way in which we can achieve a sustainable level of liberty in our lifetime is by helping create a more liberty-oriented society. The political sphere is always fragile, constantly adapting […]
July 13, 2017

Is Global Freedom of Expression Dangerous?

The Internet helped bring to light all the nasty, disagreeable, twisted, and downright insane ways of thinking humans are capable of. Every nation’s legal system has its own toleration levels, of course, […]
July 10, 2017

June 2017 Update

  European Students For Liberty JUNE 2017 UPDATE David Friedman in Graz What would a society look like in which everything, including everything usually provided by governments, is provided by the free market? […]
June 29, 2017

A Parliament without Priorities: How Britain Forgot about Brexit

Last Friday, the 23rd of June 2017, marked the one-year anniversary of the pivotal Brexit referendum. While some have dubbed it our ‘Independence Day’, to me it represents a year of broken […]