
North America Blog

November 12, 2015

Libertarians, It’s Time to Decide: Compassion or Free Speech Purism?

As libertarians, our inclination is to defend free speech at all costs. But as people – and people who care deeply about oppression – it’s our obligation to look deeper into the […]
November 12, 2015

What would you say to the protestors at Mizzou?

For a chance to win $2,500, submit your take on the campus speech debate to the Charles Koch Institute’s first annual Prize for American Free Speech essay contest by Nov. 24th. “Help […]
November 10, 2015

#BlackLivesMatter, Therefore Gun Rights Matter.

47.7% of federal inmates serving time for firearm possession in the U.S. are black, painting a vivid picture of the victims of gun control — low-income, minority communities. Young Voices Advocates Meg Arnold […]
November 10, 2015

What else can we learn from Prof. Deirdre McCloskey? New videos from Learn Liberty

If you’ve been a libertarian for very long at all, chances are good you’ve heard of Professor Deirdre McCloskey. Whether you’re familiar with her groundbreaking book series – Bourgeois Virtue, Bourgeois Dignity, […]
November 5, 2015

More than Just a Mask

Remember, remember, the fifth of November The Gunpowder Treason and Plot. I know of no reason why the gunpowder treason Should ever be forgot!           Today marks Guy […]
November 3, 2015

Support Gun Rights with the #NotJustAGun Hashtag

As Students For Liberty’s ongoing Not Just a Gun campaign ramps up, we’ve been blown away by the positive response we’ve gotten from from all of you in the network. As we […]
November 3, 2015

The Social Justice Case for Preserving the Second Amendment

It’s undeniable, for criminal justice scholars and sociologists, that Terry stops are one of the worst things that has ever happened to black America. Stop and frisk policies, along with racial profiling, […]
October 30, 2015

Who cares about gun rights?

As our ongoing Not Just a Gun activism campaign ramps up, we’ve been blown away by the positive response we’ve gotten from from all of you in the SFL network — from students […]
October 28, 2015

SFL President McCobin to Speak at Student Election Broadcast

Tonight brings us the third debate in the Republican presidential primary as things continue to gear up for the 2016 election cycle. With so much focus on the youth vote, you would […]
October 20, 2015

Student Disorientation: Warm Welcome for Liberty at University of Zagreb

Students For Liberty’s Student Disorientation grant program helped campus groups start the semester off right! Here’s ESFL Local Coordinator Dominik Esegovic on the great response his group received at the University of Zagreb in Croatia.   It […]
October 20, 2015

Tune in This Thursday: Webinar for Aspiring Researchers

Are you an aspiring policy researcher? Well, in just two days, you’ve got the chance to learn from one of the best policy experts out there at the Atlas Network’s webinar, Research […]
October 15, 2015

Student Spotlight: Nick Pham

SFL is pleased to announce the return of our popular Student Spotlights blog series. These posts are intended to honor the best and brightest student activists in our network and share their […]