
What We’re Up To – Homepage

October 12, 2017

SFL provides you with incredible chances of being the best version of yourself

Usually when I’m introduced to someone new, the exchange takes a bit longer than normal. By the time they try to pronounce my name with their respective accents and acknowledge where I’m […]
October 5, 2017

SFL Academy is Back
(New & Improved)

The SFL Academy re-launch is here! We are genuinely excited to reveal that SFL Academy has undergone a major facelift and has been redeveloped to improve your learning experience and expand into some […]
October 4, 2017

Bourgeois Dignity at LibertyCon 2018

Why are markets so marvelous? Well, economist, historian, and amazing-all-around social theorist Deirdre McCloskey has an answer so compelling it’s changed the way we talk about economics. Markets, suggests McCloskey in her […]
October 3, 2017

A Freer Future: 2017-2018 SFL North American Blog Team

We are pleased to announce the following student leaders have earned a spot on Students For Liberty’s 2017-2018 blog team! These are some of the most passionate student writers in the pro-liberty movement […]
October 3, 2017

Why Libertarians Should Read the “Great Books”

If you are reading this blog, then you have probably read The Federalist Papers, Human Action, End the Fed, Constitution of Liberty, etc. I would even guess that you name-drop them in […]
October 3, 2017

Being a Leader and a Servant: A Brief Case Study of the Military

Being a libertarian student activist most likely means being a leader in some kind of way. You could lead a chapter organization on campus, or be an advocate for ideas on campus, […]
October 2, 2017

Melhores do Ano

October 1, 2017

Clube Ajuricaba leva 400 pessoas para o I Simpósio de Empreendedorismo e Liberdade Econômica

Clube Ajuricaba leva 400 pessoas para o I Simpósio de Empreendedorismo e Liberdade Econômica 01 de outubro, 2017 No final do último mês de setembro, o Clube Ajuricaba – integrante do Programa […]
September 30, 2017

Africa: SFL Eastern Africa Liberty Merit Awards 2017

We are excited to host this year’s EARC in Nairobi, Kenya. As we do it big and better, we would like to announce our latest program to recognise hard-working Local Coordinators (LCs), […]
September 29, 2017

Ludwig von Mises: Libertad y Propiedad

  Ludwig von Mises Artículo publicado originalmente en Online Library of Liberty de Liberty Fund, Traducción del discurso realizado por Ludwing von Mises en el 9° Encuentro de la Mont Pelerin Society […]
September 29, 2017

Andrea Fabian-Checkai

 SFL SUCCESS STORY: Andrea Fabian-Checkai SFL North America Campus Coordinator raises funds to help students in Nigeria Andrea Fabian-Checkai, a Campus Coordinator at the University of Wisconsin – Whitewater, recently took it upon herself […]
September 28, 2017

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