The Ivy League schools are some of the most prestigious schools in the world. For the class of 2021, 281,060 applications were received by the Ivy League schools. From these applicants, only […]
Local Coordinator Apoorva Bantula tells you everything that we’ve been up to this past month. 2018 is looking quite a productive year! The first colloquium of 2018 was conducted at Tata Institute […]
SFL SUCCESS STORY: Stoyan Panchev SFL Europe Former student leader fighting for financial freedom in Bulgaria Stoyan Panchev, a Students For Liberty alumni from Bulgaria is the founder and Executive Chairman of […]
One of the greatest things about freedom of speech is that it allows views to be challenged and provides the foundation for any honest discussion. Anybody who has spent time in the […]
Crypto is a wild world. As I’m writing this sentence, the price of one Bitcoin has gone down below $10,000. Yesterday, its daily low was right around $11,200. This is just one […]
Note: This post is written by Maria Chaplia “Here’s your receipt. You have to pay $30 for our translation services.” “But you said the price would range between $15-$20 yesterday when I […]
The Winter Olympics are always a good venue for showing national pride. Some even view the Games as a microcosm of the world and what could be: peace among nations where each […]
Here at Students For Liberty, we know our conferences are not just educational, but entertaining as well. That’s why we’re thrilled to announce that the popular and infamous Liberty Memes will be […]
Winter break is over and you’re officially half-way through the academic year! One semester down, one more to go. Whether you’re focusing this semester’s efforts on recruitment, hosting a large event on […]
I joined Students for Liberty a few years ago, but I haven’t had the opportunity to attend LibertyCon until this year. I’m super excited, and I wanted to share just a few […]
Not only is LibertyCon the perfect place for liberty-lovers of all ages to meet, plan, learn, and have fun, they also have the opportunity to land their next job at this amazing, […]
If you’ve heard anything about the crypto currency market, then you likely already know 2017 was the market’s best year yet. Now is a good time to learn more about the crypto […]