SFL SUCCESS STORY: Keenan Wegener SFL North America SFL Leaders Are Back On Campus & Ready To Advance Liberty Keenan Wegener, Campus Coordinator at Northern Virginia Community College has been actively identifying […]
SFL SUCCUSS STORY: Stephen Oyedemi SFL Africa Write For Liberty Workshop On the 25th and 26th of November, 2016, African Students for Liberty (ASFL) organized a 2-day Write For Liberty Workshop which took […]
SFL SUCCUSS STORY: Naga Sravan Kilaru SFL South Asia Naga Sravan Kilaru conferred with the Karmaveer Chakra Global Fellowship Naga Sravan Kilaru was a South Asia DFL Executive board Member […]
SFL SUCCUSS STORY: Ethan Pritchard & Yusuf Mahmood SFL North America CCs make headlines as they advocate for the right to self defend CCs Ethan Pritchard and Yusuf Mahmood made headlines (again!) […]
You may remember the No Nanny Corner Store events we held earlier this year in Toronto and Calgary. The story was picked up by some pretty big news outlets. Well, now’s your […]
There are many nations in the world in which the concept of personal liberty is entirely absent. Globally, corrupt governments stifle student movements that engage in discussion and activism. One such activist […]
Searching for an opportunity to learn about Ayn Rand’s philosophy of Objectivism and meet other like-minded individuals? Look no further because the Ayn Rand Institute is hosting the 2016 Ayn Rand Student Conference, “Live Free and […]
Leaders of liberty must sometimes take a step back and reflect on the best ways to use their limited resources and local knowledge to reach their ultimate goals. Students For Liberty’s mission is “… […]
SFL’s Local Coordinators in Mexico have been busy this week with plans for a demonstration in support of gay marriage. They’re hoping to bring a lot of folks out to the streets […]
Some students want to “get out the vote.” They are happy to maintain the status quo: the “choice” between parties that mirror each other in so many ways. Students For Liberty wants to […]
It’s time for us to take a stand. As a Canadian myself, I witness the over-reaching nanny state here in Canada everyday. Today, I want to give you an opportunity to join […]