Welcome to African SFL’s New Website!

Welcome to African SFL’s New Website!

Welcome to the African Students For Liberty webpage! This page will feature news, updates, and commentary from African SFL leaders in the Charter Teams program. This year, these students will be working to spread the student movement for liberty in their regions of Africa. They are widely represented on the continent, coming from Egypt, Ethiopia, Uganda, Nigeria, Malawi, Tanzania, Ghana, Gambia, and South Africa. We are always welcoming students from even more countries to join our network and get access to SFL resources.

Our initiatives in Africa and around the world are a testament to the fact that liberty has no borders. We come from different countries with different social, economic and political challenges, but we are united by the conviction that human liberty is the source of prosperity, justice, and equality. We invite you to follow our updates and join the International SFL Network by visiting the top tool bar. Signing up helps our movement grow, increases knowledge sharing among student activists for liberty, and allows us at SFL International to provide more resources for pro-liberty students in Africa. If you wish to get connected directly to our African SFL network or have any questions, please contact Olumayowa Okediran at [email protected].

As you begin learning about our efforts to promote a freer society across Africa, we wish to invite you to the first ever SFL conference in Africa! The SFL West African Regional Conference will be held on July 26 & 27 at Nigeria’s premier university, University of Ibadan. Students from across West Africa will come together to share ideas about liberty and knowledge of best practices to promote those ideas. Our team welcomes you to join this special event, support our efforts, and celebrate the power of liberty.

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