Students For Liberty is a rapidly growing network of pro-liberty students from all over the world. Our mission is to provide a unified, student-driven forum of support for students and student organizations dedicated to liberty. We accomplish this through a strategy of empowerment, identifying the top student leaders and training them to be agents of change in their communities. What began as a small meeting of young leaders has become an international movement of students with over 1,100 groups around the world and operations on every inhabited continent.

Camilo Bello
Asia-Pacific Advanced Leadership Team Member
Short Bio: Camilo is a Colombian with studies in Law and experience in strategic management. He has always defended political projects philosophically founded in the promotion of freedom and that encourage economic growth, especially for small businesses. He is convinced that the best equation for the good to be successful is the union between free thought, technology, friendship, and cultural and linguistic diversity. Currently, he’s focused on promoting liberty and self-determination ideas in Hong Kong and Taiwan.
Favourite figure: Friedrich Hayek, Ludwig Von Mises, Alexis Tocqueville, and Edmund Burke
Favourite Books about Liberty: Democracy in America - Alexis Tocqueville; Human Action - Ludwig Von Mises; Road to Serfdom - Friedrich Hayek
On Liberty: I joined Students for Liberty because I believe liberty is indivisible and must be defended as a whole, and SFL was the only platform in which I felt I could do that. In addition, because SFL is the only place where you can work with young and smart people towards a freer future.
On SFL: I care about because it is the main tool so that each person can build their life. To me, Libertarian values seem reasonable for life as an Individual and as a society.

Christopher Dekker
Asia-Pacific Advanced Leadership Team Member
Short Bio: Chris Dekker is a Law and Economics student at QUT in Brisbane, Australia. He joined the Students for Liberty team in April 2019 as a Local Coordinator and is driven to communicate the ideas of liberty and freedom to a wider audience. A firm skeptic of government, Chris believes that innovation and cultural progress is best achieved through the free grouping of individuals. Key areas of research he’s most interested in include behavioural economics, theories of justice and drug law reform.
Favourite figure: Emma Goldman, Robert Nozick, John Locke, Bruce Smith, George Reid, Thomas Jefferson
Favourite Books about Liberty: Liberty and Liberalism - Bruce Smith; Robert Nozick - Anarchy, State and Utopia; Free to Choose - Milton Friedman
On Liberty: I care about liberty because I believe people, regardless of their traits, deserve the freedom to do as they wish their body, say what they like, and pay for things they want. Greater government intervention into our lives has created more wars, more slavery and more genocide. To me, the philosophy of liberty is one of love. There is great hypocrisy in letting the government dictate how to love your fellow humans, when they have been the biggest killers, thieves and slave masters throughout history.
It must be noted that without the government taking responsibility for how you live your life, a greater emphasis on personal responsibility is necessary. A society where people care about what happens around them is a society I want to live in.
On SFL: SFL gives me the opportunity to spread the ideas of liberty to fellow young Australians and give an alternative perspective of many of the social wrongs that occur today. I think many of us have our heart in the right place, but we simply need to learn how to solve issues without the bondage of government. SFL has given me access to resources that allow me to communicate these ideals much better than I could have alone. I don’t expect to turn others into full-fledged libertarians through what I do; I simply want to emphasise the good that mankind can do through philanthropy and the free ventures of private individuals.

Haikal Kurniawan
Asia-Pacific Advanced Leadership Team Member
One of the earliest leaders of SFL in South-East Asia Pacific region, Haikal Kurniawan joined Students for Liberty in 2015. He graduated from University of Indonesia in 2018, with a bachelor's degree in Political Science. His thesis is about President Ronald Reagan's political legacy for the U.S. Republlican Party. Besides his involvement with SFL, Haikal also working as a regular writer and part-time researcher for Indonesian-based libertarian website called Suara Kebebasan (Indonesian Freedom Voice.) His main passions are the philosophical foundations and political theory of classical liberalism & libertarianism.
With other SFL leaders from Indonesia, Haikal has helped to organize the first SFL international conference in Jakarta in 2016, and again in 2017, featuring many prominent international libertarian speakers and attended by students from dozens of countries. Haikal also is an alumnus of the Institute for Humane Studies (IHS) in which he attended one of IHS summer seminars in Pennsylvania in June 2017. He also has participated in several program organized by classical liberal and libertarian organizations, such as International Academy for Leadership hosted by Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit in Gummersbach, Germany, in October 2018, as well as Atlas Network's Think Tank Essentials in Colombo, Sri Lanka, in February 2019.
Favourite figure: John Stuart Mill, Friedrich Hayek, Murray Rothbard.
Favourite Books about Liberty: On Liberty by John Stuart Mill, The Road to Serfdom by F.
A. Hayek, The Ethics of Liberty by Murray Rothbard.
On Liberty: For me liberty is the natural desire of every single individual on earth. Everyone, regardless their skin colour, gender, sexual orientation, religion, nationality, or any other background and identity, deserves to enjoy liberty to make decisions for themselves, to be free from aggression, and the freedom to control their own lives. No one, whoever they are, want to live under slavery & persecution, whether it's by their own relatives, by the society, or by the government. And that's what we should always fight for, whether for ourselves as well as for any human being on the planet.
On SFL: Joining SFL is one of the greatest decisions that I made in my life. Through SFL, I've met & befriends with many young freedom fighter, not only from Indonesia, but also from many countries around the world. From them, I learned so many things about the idea of liberty and how to promote it to the young generations in order to build a freer world in the future.

Hoang Kim Thuc
Asia-Pacific Advanced Leadership Team Member
Hoang Kim Thuc works as a research assistant at the Market Solutions Research Center for Economic and Social Issues. After two years actively engaged in pro-market activities, he has cultivated a firm belief in the power of voluntary exchange, limited government, and individual liberty as the principles of a free and prosperous society. His research interests include Austrian economics, (New) Institutional Economics, and Public Choice. He now also serves as the executive member of F-Group Vietnam, a non-profit organization in Vietnam dedicated to the ideas of classical liberalism/libertarianism, and Asia-Pacific local coordinator for Students for Liberty. In summer 2018, he accomplished the Asia Institute for Political Economy co-organized by The Fund for American Studies, George Mason University, and the University of Hong Kong, with a scholarship granted by The Fund for American Studies.
Favourite figure: F.A Hayek, Ludwig von Mises
Favourite Books about Liberty: The counter-revolution in science, Law, Legislation, and Liberty, Human action
On Liberty: Liberty is the most important political value that everyone should embrace, regardless of their origins, colors, or levels of education. The fight for freedom is not just an intellectual deed, it also requires the heart and courage necessary to realize its goal.
On SFL: SFL is the hub for young leaders passionate about the ideas of liberty around the world to keep in touch, support, and motivate each other. To be sure, joining SFL is one of the most life-changing decisions to me.