Dr. Wolf von Laer
Chief Executive Officer
Bio: Dr. Wolf von Laer is the Chief Executive Officer of Students For Liberty (SFL). SFL is a non-profit organization with close to 60 staff members that trains and supports pro-liberty students in the United States and around the world. Wolf received his PhD in Political Economy at King's College London in March 2017. Wolf lived and studied in the US, Turkey, Spain, Germany, the UK, Sweden, and Argentina. He has published several book chapters, a book about central-banking, and a peer-reviewed journal article. Wolf has appeared in the Wallstreet Journal, Forbes, Huffington Post, and CSPAN. He is a member of the Mont Pelerin Society. His website is
Favorite Figures in Liberty: Elinor Ostrom, Peter Boettke, Ludwig von Mises, Friedrich A. Hayek
On Students For Liberty: “SFL provided the supportive environment that made me a better advocate for the ideas of liberty and a better person. I am deeply grateful to the organization. SFL continues to change people’s lives and the world for the better. I cannot imagine spending my time in a more meaningful way than working for SFL.”

Frederik Roeder
Chief Strategy Officer
Bio: Fred loves pro-liberty activism and is also an advocate for healthcare reform towards the free market. He joined the Mises Forum at the University of Bayreuth in Germany during his first semester and enjoyed learning more about human action and monetary policy. He is also a junior-scholar of the Hayek Foundation in Germany, which provides an academic forum for young Austrian Economists and Classical Liberals. Fred also loves to combine his two major passions: Liberty and traveling. Thus you will most likely see him in some spot in Europe, North America or Asia working with libertarian friends there, planning new activism groups or brainstorming about business ideas in emerging markets.
Favorite Figures in Liberty: The writings of Ludwig von Mises helped me a lot to understand many things in the world, but Milton Friedman’s “Free to Choose” and Robert Nozick’s “Anarchy, State and Utopia” were the initial books, which inspired me. Though I am not a big fan of politicians, I would also consider Maggy Thatcher as one of my favorite figures in liberty.
On Students For Liberty: “Best thing ever! No seriously SFL brings so many great people together and provides students all over the world with resources. I know so many people (and I was one of them) who thought that they are the only libertarian in the world and that they are crazy. SFL helps to get in touch with other liberty-minded people and helps them to outreach even more on their campuses.”

Laura Cheplak
Chief Operating Officer
Bio: Laura is the Chief Operating Officer at Students for Liberty and joined the team in December of 2015. Laura joins us after over a decade at the Institute for Humane Studies where she served a number of roles including Director of Conference Management and, most recently, Senior Director of Operations. Laura is a graduate of Boston University where she received a B.A. in philosophy. While there, she founded the Boston University Libertarian Society and hosted interdisciplinary libertarian conferences for students in the area.

Aleksandar Kokotović
Global Campaigns Director
Bio: Aleksandar graduated from the University of Belgrade with a Bachelors degree in Political Science. He is also a Marketing Coordinator for the libertarian club, Libek, in Serbia. Aleksandar first got in touch with libertarian ideas during his first year of studies in the Faculty of Political Science, although he believes he was always a libertarian he was not aware that that is the name for someone who wants to live without having the government regulating his life. After a lecture from Radovan Durana from INESS Aleksandar applied for a Language of Liberty camp in Slovakia and his international pro-liberty activism started. He doesn’t want this to end anytime soon.
Favorite Figures in Liberty: Murray Rothbard, Frédéric Bastiat
On Students For Liberty: "Changes and new ideas grow fastest when they are well accepted by students. Being a part of an organization which has the tools to provide students with the help needed to spread the ideas of liberty is a great honor. I believe that in the years to come we will see what an important task SFL has been doing all these years. It’s exciting to be a part of that."

Amelia Hamilton
Development Content Writer
Bio: Amelia Hamilton is a writer and historian who is passionate about advancing liberty worldwide. As author of the Growing Patriots children's books, she hopes to bring principles of liberty to young children and, through her work at SFL, to young leaders around the world. Amelia loves dogs, hockey, old movies, and apple juice.
Favorite Figures in Liberty: Adam Smith, Friedrich Hayek
On Students For Liberty: “It's exciting to work with an organization that is committed to protecting the principles of liberty into the future and enshrining them in tomorrow's leaders.”

André Freo
Brazilian Programs Director
Bio: André is a 20-year-old law student in the south of Brasil. Since 2014, he has been part of the libertarian movement in the country. He’s served as former Chairman of the Clube Farroupilha, an Events Associate of SFL Brasil and Operations Assistant for the Brazilian Mises Institute. He now works as the Programs Associate for Students For Liberty Brasil.
Favorite Figures in Liberty: Murray Rothbard and Ludwig von Mises
On Students For Liberty: “SFL is the most effective way to change a statist mentality in the academy not only by creating the next generation of libertarian leaders but also by creating the hugest family I’ve ever seen.”

Andrés Pino
Asia Pacific Programs Associate
Bio: Andrés Pino has a bachelor's degree in International Relations from the University of El Salvador. He became acquainted with the ideas of liberty after reading about Frédéric Bastiat's economic thinking. He has been working for the cause of liberty since 2012, year in which he participated and obtained an honorable mention in an essay competition sponsored by the Francisco Marroquín University (UFM). He is a FEE and CATO alumnus. He is also a former member of multiple libertarian organizations in El Salvador, all of which he helped organize conferences and create informative content. In 2017 he became Chairman for Students for Liberty in Latin America (EsLibertad).
Favorite Figures in Liberty: Ludwig Von Mises, Frédéric Bastiat and Ron Paul
On Students For Liberty: Since becoming part of Students for Liberty in 2014, I've had the honor to work beside the most passionate and intelligent pro-liberty students from around the world. Thanks to SFL I've also developed new leadership skills and deepened my knowledge about the importance of liberty in everyday life. Being part of such a great organization has definitely changed my life in more aspects that I could've ever imagined.

Anel Ferić
Design Associate
Bio: Anel is a student at School of Economics and Business at the University of Sarajevo, currently writing masters degree thesis. Passionate about marketing, visual communications, with years of experience as a freelance graphic and UI designer, creative professional and marketing executive. Living in a region with a history of different challenges on freedom of individuals, he finds promoting the idea of liberty as his responsibility and logical choice. Believes that good design can change the world.
Favorite Figures in Liberty: Adam Smith, Friedrich von Hayek, Frederic Bastiat
On Students For Liberty: “Liberty, as a universal value, is something that needs to be guaranteed to everyone. It's our duty to protect and promote liberty and to strive to make the world freer place. ”

Anja Baker
Donor Relations Officer
Bio: Anja became passionate about liberty as a college student at Mississippi State University. She joined Bulldogs for Liberty and became a participant of her alma mater's Institute for Market Studies. She worked with the development team at Competitive Enterprise Institute through the Koch Internship Program following graduating from MSU's business school. Before joining the SFL team, Anja worked to expand school choice across the state of Mississippi at Empower Mississippi. As a volunteer, she is an advocate for criminal justice reform and free market solutions for low-income families. In her free time, she enjoys the company of her husband and infant son.
Favorite Figures in Liberty: Thomas Sowell, Ludwig von Mises, Milton Friedman, and John Locke
On Students For Liberty: "SFL educated me on simple solutions to controversial issues. The resources I received from SFL in college equipped me with intellectual and compassionate responses to some of the world’s biggest questions. If every student had the opportunity I had, we would see a transformed generation."

Ayemen Fatima
South Asia Programs Manager
Bio: Ayemen recently completed her Doctor of Pharmacy degree from DSOP, Hyderabad, India. She found her love for Liberty through SFL when she joined as a campus coordinator and then went on to take the roles of the Events chair and the Chairwoman for South Asia Students for Liberty.
She is passionate about issues surrounding human rights, individual freedom, religion, free markets and health economics. Ayemen is an advocate for drug law reforms and hopes to advance her research in healthcare regulatory policies.
In her free time, Ayemen enjoys swimming, reading about Islamic literature and painting abstract art. She considers herself a cultural traveller with an Adventure Mana.
Favorite Figures in Liberty: Friedrich Hayek, Ayn Rand, Linda Whetstone, Ken Schoolland.
On Students For Liberty: “Students for Liberty is a platform for ideas that is bringing together students of various cultures from all over the world, educating them about fundamental individual rights, importance of a freer society and is advancing peace in doing so.”

Bernardo Vidigal
Education & Training Director/Learn Liberty Managing Director
Bio: Bernardo is from Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Born and raised there, Bernardo got to know the liberty movement and SFL through his Alma Mater Ibmec Business School, a pro-market college in Brazil, where he majored in International Relations. Within Students For Liberty, Bernardo first joined as a coordinator, later being hired to work with SFL Brasil. He has since moved to SFL Academy, and now works with international trainings and academic courses.
Favorite Figures in Liberty: Joaquim Nabuco, Ludwig von Mises, Friedrich Hayek.
On Students For Liberty: "Joining Students for Liberty in Brazil changed not only my world view, but all of my career prospects. I got the chance to work with brilliant young leaders from around the world who are motivated by the same ideal. The community that SFL creates is not only the best way to disseminate the ideas of liberty, but also one of the best work environments I ever worked in."

Bruno Mafra Macedo
Video Production Manager
Bio: Bruno graduated in International Relations in 2013 at PUC MINAS and since then has been working on international projects over the years. His main field of work has been project management both on events (FIFA World Cup and Olympic Torch Relays) and video production, where managed his team on TV shows for Netflix and Cartoon Network. He is currently based in São Paulo and in his spare time, you can find him cooking and searching for electronic music online.
Favorite Figures in Liberty: Joaquim Nabuco
On Students For Liberty: “SFL means I can put my hands on the biggest project of my life, one that has an impact on so many people and give them the tools to make their own life choices.”

Cassiano Zanon
Video Production Associate
Bio: Cassiano Zanon studied Design and Animation at the Federal University of Santa Catarina in Brazil. During graduation, he won, with his team, the 1st place award for best animated short film in a regional festival. He has worked in video production and design, directing and producing music videos and animations. In 2018 he worked in the election campaign of Santa Catarina State only libertarian deputy candidate, who won the election.
Favorite Figures in Liberty: Ludwig von Mises
On Students For Liberty: “I feel like SFL gives me the freedom to develop myself and be as creative as I can to make the content of our production as appealing and engaging as possible, in order to educate and spread the work of Liberty.”

David Clement
Director of External Relations
Bio: David is the North American Programs Director with SFL and is based out of Oakville, Ontario. David has been involved in SFL since 2012, first as a Campus Coordinator, then later as a North American Executive Board member and an International Board member. David holds a B.A in Political Science, and a M.A in International Relations from Wilfrid Laurier University. Outside of SFL, David has been involved in a variety of projects that focus on electoral politics and immigration reform. Most recently, David ran for Canadian Parliament in the riding of Oakville North-Burlington.
Favourite Figures in Liberty: F.A Hayek, Michael Shermer, David Leyonhjelm
On Students For Liberty: “I could not be happier to be a part of SFL. The organization has grown so much since I first got involved, and I am excited to see what new heights the organization can reach.”

David Gallegos
Eslibertad Events Associate
Bio: David studied International Relations at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México and took several courses in different countries in America and Europe. He has experience in the design and implementation of academic projects with multidisciplinary and international teams.
Favorite Figures in Liberty: Friedrich Von Hayek, John Locke, Gabriel Zanotti, Henry Hazlit
On Students For Liberty: "SFL is a way of life: Impact lives, develop leadership, deeepen knowledge and foster a freer, more prosperous and peaceful world."

Deborah Bizarria
Brazilian Mentorship Associate
Bio: Deborah Bizarria is 21 years old and is an economics student. Since joining the Coordinators Program in 2017, she has become the State Coordinator of Pernambuco and is currently among the top 50 leaders of SFL. Since then, she began to write articles for Revista XXI, Revista Amálgama and for the Instituto Mercado Popular. He also leads LOLA chapter in Pernambuco, participates in the Frei Caneca Club and is a founder associate of Livres. Nowadays, she develops her own blog: Marginal Futility. There, she writes about her interests such as politics, society, gender issues, and Behavioral Economics. Due to the latter, she composed the 2018 class of Behavioral Economics course at Warwick University in London. Thus, has been addressing issues through this new economic perspective, which goes beyond the Orthodox and Austrian currents.
Favorite Figures in Liberty: Adam Smith, JS Mill and Milton Friedman
On Students For Liberty: When you find yourself alone, longing for more freedom for your country, SFL rescues you and shows that there are many others that have the same dream as you do. Then, you realize its possible that, together, we can build a freer future.

Dr. Wolf von Laer
Chief Executive Officer
Bio: Dr. Wolf von Laer is the Chief Executive Officer of Students For Liberty (SFL). SFL is a non-profit organization with close to 60 staff members that trains and supports pro-liberty students in the United States and around the world. Wolf received his PhD in Political Economy at King's College London in March 2017. Wolf lived and studied in the US, Turkey, Spain, Germany, the UK, Sweden, and Argentina. He has published several book chapters, a book about central-banking, and a peer-reviewed journal article. Wolf has appeared in the Wallstreet Journal, Forbes, Huffington Post, and CSPAN. He is a member of the Mont Pelerin Society. His website is
Favorite Figures in Liberty: Elinor Ostrom, Peter Boettke, Ludwig von Mises, Friedrich A. Hayek
On Students For Liberty: “SFL provided the supportive environment that made me a better advocate for the ideas of liberty and a better person. I am deeply grateful to the organization. SFL continues to change people’s lives and the world for the better. I cannot imagine spending my time in a more meaningful way than working for SFL.”

Elizabeth Hayes
Director of International Programs (Europe & North America)
Bio: Elizabeth graduated from the University of Iowa with a B.A. in Political Science and minors in International Relations and Arabic. Elizabeth previously served as the Vice President of the University of Iowa Young Americans for Liberty chapter, as well as an Iowa State Chair for YAL. Prior to joining Students For Liberty’s Academic Programs team, Elizabeth worked at Young Americans for Liberty as the Director of Free Speech as well as the Northeast Regional Director. In addition to her work, Elizabeth is also a current participant in the Koch Associate Program at the Charles Koch Institute.
Favorite Figures in Liberty: Ayn Rand, Frederic Bastiat, Ron Paul
On Students For Liberty: “Students For Liberty has effectively educated thousands of students around the world on the ideas of liberty, and has also trained and empowered countless youth activists dedicated to advocate for a free society within their communities. It is truly inspiring to see all of SFL’s hard work effect real change within today’s world, and I am honored to work at such a passionate and fruitful organization.”

Emma Balogh
Global Marketing Director
Bio: Emma graduated from the State University of New York at Albany in 2010 with a B.A. in English. She also double minored in History and Political Science and received cum laude distinction. In 2011, she joined the United States Peace Corps where she organized maternal and child health workshops in Morocco and trained rural educators on preventative measures for combating infant mortality in the rural High Atlas mountains. In 2013, she moved to Prague, Czech Republic where she began to pursue a fruitful career in marketing, starting out as a freelance copywriter and later working for over three and a half years in student recruitment. This was followed by freelancing for a number of tech start-ups until 2019, where she opened her own digital marketing agency, Papaya & Lime, targeting local business owners in the US. Emma identifies as a feminist and a technolibertarian, and loves to follow Silicon Valley female executives.
Favorite Figures in Liberty: Michael Arrington, Ayn Rand, Bill Maher
On Students For Liberty: “People do their best work when they are given the freedom and authority to make their own informed decisions. Censorship, propaganda, and overregulation do nothing but stifle innovation and create a dangerous and toxic environment which inhibits the growth of our most powerful organ - the brain. SFL’s mission to educate, empower, and promote liberty celebrates freedom of thought and propels the next generation of leaders to debate responsibly and find solutions for today’s most pressing problems.”

Eric Lumpkins
North American Programs Manager
Bio: Eric grew up in Southeast Florida. He had always been anti-authoritarian and found a natural home in the liberty movement. He studied economics at Florida Gulf Coast University where he joined Eagles For Liberty and in 2016 became an SFL Campus Coordinator. While in university, Eric interned at the Nevada Policy Research Institute and worked as an opinion writer until 2018 when he joined SFL staff as the Midwest Outreach Associate. He currently serves as the North American Programs Manager. Eric enjoys stand-up comedy and monetary economics.
Favorite Figures in Liberty: Friedrich A. Hayek, Ludwig Von Mises, Carl Menger
On Students For Liberty: "Joining Students For Liberty has been one of the best and most valuable decisions I've ever made. My personal and professional development has been immensely accelerated thanks to the training, experiences, and networking I've gone through as a part of SFL. Students For Liberty is the global leader in empowering young people to educate their communities, to liberalize their societies, and to be the change they wish to see in the world; and I'm so proud to be a part of that."

Francesco Direnzo
Eslibertad Leadership Associate
Bio: Francesco is from Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia, a descendant of Italian immigrants, he studied International Relations and Conflict Resolution at NUR University, he was taught mostly about Marxism and felt that the school was really biased towards Marx and socialist ideas. During
2013 and in his search for an alternative he got in touch with the newly formed charter team of Students For Liberty in Bolivia, that’s when he got interested in liberty ideas and got involved with SFL. He became a member and was amongst the first generation of Local Coordinators in Bolivia, he was also the Regional Director for Bolivia in 2016 and now a member of the Latin America Executive Board and the International Executive Board.
Favorite Figures in Liberty: Murray N. Rothbard
On Students For Liberty: “Joining SFL was one of the best decisions I’ve taken, I learned so many things I wasn’t able to during my university years, due to biases in education and the leaning to socialism in my country. I feel Students For Liberty has a lot to do, but I believe we have the best people in the right places to do so.”

Frederik Roeder
Chief Strategy Officer
Bio: Fred loves pro-liberty activism and is also an advocate for healthcare reform towards the free market. He joined the Mises Forum at the University of Bayreuth in Germany during his first semester and enjoyed learning more about human action and monetary policy. He is also a junior-scholar of the Hayek Foundation in Germany, which provides an academic forum for young Austrian Economists and Classical Liberals. Fred also loves to combine his two major passions: Liberty and traveling. Thus you will most likely see him in some spot in Europe, North America or Asia working with libertarian friends there, planning new activism groups or brainstorming about business ideas in emerging markets.
Favorite Figures in Liberty: The writings of Ludwig von Mises helped me a lot to understand many things in the world, but Milton Friedman’s “Free to Choose” and Robert Nozick’s “Anarchy, State and Utopia” were the initial books, which inspired me. Though I am not a big fan of politicians, I would also consider Maggy Thatcher as one of my favorite figures in liberty.
On Students For Liberty: “Best thing ever! No seriously SFL brings so many great people together and provides students all over the world with resources. I know so many people (and I was one of them) who thought that they are the only libertarian in the world and that they are crazy. SFL helps to get in touch with other liberty-minded people and helps them to outreach even more on their campuses.”

Giulio Mazzanti
Website Associate
Bio: Giulio Mazzanti started coding and playing around with websites when he was 11. At 16 he first got interested in Libertarian politics and a year later joined Students for Liberty. In May 2017 he became the SFL National Coordinator for Italy and in July of the same year got a position as Website Associate for SFL. He is currently studying "Economics, Management & Computer Science" at Bocconi University in Milan.
Favorite Figures in Liberty: Satoshi Nakamoto, Fredéric Bastiat, Ludwig von Mises, Penn Jillette, Ron Paul.
On Students For Liberty: "Students for Liberty is a huge and inspiring network constantly giving personal growth opportunities to its students while creating meaningful change towards a freer future."

Ibrahim Anoba Managing Editor
Bio: Ibrahim is a researcher in the Political Economic Affairs of African states with interests in African Culture and Philosophy. Prior to joining SFL, he was formerly the Executive Director of ALOD Policy in Lagos. He is known for his critical opinions about the aid policies of international creditors in Africa, some of which have appeared in The Daily Caller, TownHall, Yahoo, Business Insider, and Gazeta do Povo. His works have also been cited by policy groups including Transparency International and the Chr. Michelsen Institute.
Ibrahim holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science from Olabisi Onabanjo University and professional qualifications in Think Tank Management, Strategic Communications and Market-Based Management.
Favorite Figures in Liberty: Friedrich Hayek, Peter Boettke, Jeffrey Miron
On Students For Liberty: Students for Liberty is the future of the global freedom movement. The amount of dedication each team member puts toward winning new minds for the freedom movement, especially at one of the most trying times for liberty is beyond important. This group is saving the oldest human tradition and it is evident in the growing number of its students network, who are making positive impacts in the most remote places one can ever imagine. It is a remarkable crop of leaders and there cannot be a greater honor than being a part of it.

Irune Ariño
European Events Associate
Bio: Irune Ariño is a Political Science undergraduate at Pompeu Fabra University and she is studying her master's degree at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid on a course in Democracy and Governance. In 2014 she go involved with ESFL as one of the founders of a local group in Catalonia and then as Local Coordinator. She is the former Regional Director for SFL Iberia and current Deputy Director at a Spanish think tank named Instituto Juan de Mariana. She also is an occasional collaborator in some Spanish digital media as Libertad Digital or El Español.
Favorite Figures in Liberty: John Stuart Mill, Elinor Ostrom and Jason Brennan.
On Students For Liberty: "Students For Libery catches you from the very beginning. Once you join this amazing family, you can't simply leave"

Ivanildo Terceiro
Brazilian Communications Manager

Jan Škapa
Senior Systems Director
Bio: Jan Škapa grew up in a small Moravian town in the Czech Republic and is currently working at SFL Senior Systems Director. He has an undergraduate degree in Management in IT and is pursuing a graduate degree in Brno, CZ. He was an occasional freelance web developer and programmer in high school and during university. He is a permanent self-learner – being interested in IT, tech, economics, business, law and things that combine them (e.g. cryptocurrencies).
In 2013 he co-founded Students for Liberty Czech Republic, now a fast-growing, nation-wide student organization dedicated to connecting students while spreading the ideas of liberty. He loves to ride a bike, play tennis and floorball.
Favorite Figures in Liberty: Fredéric Bastiat, Lawrence Reed, Henry Hazlitt, Ludwig von Mises, Friedrich Hayek, Murray Rothbard, Matt Ridley, Ludwig von Mises Institute,
On Students For Liberty: "Students For Liberty is about bringing people together. It is about showing others that borders really don’t mean anything at all. It is about individuals and their vast variety of different talents and skills. It is about living one’s life and respecting the right of others to do the same. It is about good morality, strength of character and one’s own opinion. In other words, it is about friendship, fun and freedom."

Jessica Murphy
Foundations Officer
Bio: Jessica was born in South Africa and spent most of her life in Wisconsin. She holds a BA in Political Science and BS in Environmental Policy from the University of Wisconsin – Green Bay. She was a Young Americans for Liberty State Chair and Students for Liberty Campus Coordinator for two years, a research intern at a state-based free market think tank, and a State Policy Network Generation Liberty Fellow in 2017. Her work has been featured in Campus Reform, Daily Caller, College Fix, and other media outlets. Prior to her time at SFL, she worked in donor relations at the Leadership Institute. She lives in Arlington, Virginia and hosts Liberty Karaoke, a weekly networking event for liberty-minded individuals.
Favorite Figures in Liberty: Frédéric Bastiat, Matt Kibbe, John Stuart Mill
On Students For Liberty: “Students For Liberty has ignited a world-wide movement of freedom loving individuals advocating for freer societies. I have honed my professional development and leadership skills thanks to SFL, and I have also made a myriad of friends through the network. I am honored to be a part of an organization that empowers the future generation of liberty warriors, gives them a platform, and trains them to effectively communicate ideas of freedom across the globe."

John Gray
Asia-Pacific Programs Associate
Bio: John served 8 years in the Royal Australian Navy as a Maritime Warfare Officer on submarines, before gaining a qualification to drive merchant vessels. He then decided to pursue his lifelong dream of becoming a lawyer and is two years away from a Bachelor of Laws. John is a classical liberal with a passion for education and advocating for smaller government and more individual freedom.
Favorite Figures in Liberty: Bastiat, Sowell, Rand
On Students For Liberty: Students For Liberty is a vital organisation for free-thinking, Libertarian students around the world. They understand that education is the greatest tool we have to change the world and do fine work in achieving that goal.

Josh Murdock
Director of Finance
Josh Murdock
Director of Finance
Bio: Josh is the Director of Finance at Students for Liberty. After graduating from Western Michigan University in December 2010 with a Bachelor's degree in Finance, he spent five years working with liberty focused non profits as a non profit accountant. Over two of those years were spent working with SFL directly as a client. Josh was born and raised in Southwest Michigan and still resides in the mitten with his wife and two daughters.

Julia Kril
Email Marketing & PR Specialist
Alma mater:Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.
Bio:Julia joined the libertarian movement in 2016 as a local coordinator at European Students For Liberty, where she later became an Events and Communications Intern. While volunteering at SFL Julia has realized her true passion for marketing and communications. She believes that it is the greatest combination of freedom and creativity in the digital world. Julia holds two Bachelor degrees in Law and International Economics & Management and her areas of interest are diverse and include traveling, philosophy, innovation and art.
Favorite Figures in Liberty: Ayn Rand, Ludwig von Mises.
On Students For Liberty: "Students For Liberty is one of the most marvelous things that happened to me in my life. It helped me to discover the philosophy I live by, meet outstanding personalities and experience the brightest momentums of the youth. I am excited to be a part of the network of individuals who are building the freer future."

Julia Sondermann
Video Production Manager
Bio: Julia Sondermann is a cinematographer, editor and scriptwriter based in São Paulo, Brazil. Born in Porto Alegre, studied cinema at the University of Sinos Valley in São Leopoldo. Sondermann`s work as a cinematographer entered international and national festivals such as Rotterdam Film Festival, in Amsterdam, and Maryland Film Festival, in USA. Her portfolio was chosen to be a part of the Centro Internacional de Fotografía y Cine (Madrid) Shortlist in 2016. As a scriptwriter she has participated in script laboratories and international coproduction meetings in Bolivia and in Brazil. As a videomaker, she worked for several companies in Brazil such as Tastemade Brazil. Sondermann’s work also extends o movie distribution in movie theaters and digital platforms.
Favorite Figures in Liberty: Ludwig von Mises
On Students For Liberty: "SFL has an essential job of spreading the ideas of freedom. It is an honor to be part of the team."

Julio Clavijo
Data Analytics Director
Bio: Julio has a B.S in Economics and a minor in International relations from UEES in Ecuador with a year of studies abroad a Sciences Po Paris. He also, finished recently the GCL program at Georgetown University. After getting involved with freedom ideas through an essay contest sponsored by Fundación Ecuador Libre, Julio started to study in depth topics related to Austrian economics, public choice, economic freedom and education. Nowadays, he considers these topics as key topics to achieve a free society and from that moment, he has been participating actively in promoting these topics through Fundación Ecuador Libre as an Economic Researcher and fellow among other pro liberty institutions.
Favorite Figures in Liberty: Friederich Hayek, George Orwell, Israel Kirzner
On Students For Liberty: “EsLibertad is the biggest and most important pro liberty student network in Latin America, and its main purpose is to prepare and empower the next generation of student leaders that will guarantee the future of liberty. We are doing it, and we will not stop until the debate is permanently on the table and every student leader has a platform to be heard all over Latin America, may the sound of freedom crumble down the base of status quo.”

Karina Menshikova
Website Associate
Bio: Karina studied English Language & Translation at V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, but after joining the web-services company she became interested in web-development & social media. Fiction translation took a back seat and became a hobby. She dedicates her rare spare moments to developing her own blog and dreams of studying History of Art.
Favorite Figures in Liberty: Ayn Rand
On Students For Liberty: "The best road to progress is freedom’s road...and the best road there is SFL."

Kevin Coombes
European Programs Director
Bio: Kevin holds a Bachelor Degree in Law and Society and he holds a Masters in Politics, Philosophy and Economics next semester. He has a particular interest in legal philosophy, societal reform, and justice. Driven by his belief that a freer more just world is possible, he has been actively involved in the promotion of personal freedom since 2009 having founded Ireland’s first pro-freedom forum. Upon graduating he founded the Brehon Law Academy, has given talks, written articles and developed an online course as a means to teach others about early Irish law, mythology and culture; a topic he is almost as passionate about as he is for spreading freedom.
Favorite Figures in Liberty: Frederic Bastiat, Lysander Spooner, Larken Rose, Alan Watts
On European Students For Liberty: “Being part of European Students For Liberty has accelerated my efforts to promote personal freedom and a freer world. Connecting with such bright, genuine and committed people from all over the world has been an inspiration – knowing there are 1000’s of others out there working for liberty fuels the fire in my belly and drives me to work towards worthwhile change. I can promote the ideas of liberty professionally and with purpose and thanks to the training, expertise and resources available through (E)SFL my efforts become much more effective.”

Kyle Walker
Senior Director of Programs
Bio: Kyle Walker is the Senior Director of International Programs at Students For Liberty. Prior to joining SFL, Kyle worked for three years as an instructor at the Charles Koch Institute. He also spent two years with AmeriCorps in Los Angeles helping middle and high school students prepare for college admissions. Kyle is a former Fulbright Fellow at the University of Vienna. He received his bachelor’s degree in philosophy and psychology from Canisius College and his master’s degree in philosophy from Georgia State University.
Favorite Figures in Liberty: Timothy Leary, Lysander Spooner, Adam Smith

Laura Cheplak
Chief Operating Officer
Bio: Laura is the Chief Operating Officer at Students for Liberty and joined the team in December of 2015. Laura joins us after over a decade at the Institute for Humane Studies where she served a number of roles including Director of Conference Management and, most recently, Senior Director of Operations. Laura is a graduate of Boston University where she received a B.A. in philosophy. While there, she founded the Boston University Libertarian Society and hosted interdisciplinary libertarian conferences for students in the area.

Lia Janelidze
European Programs Associate
Bio: Lia studied Business Administration at the Agricultural University of Georgia. She got in touch with the ideas of liberty at the very first year of her university studies and joined her lecturer in founding Georgian SFL group back in 2012. In 2014 Lia became one of the first Local Coordinators for ESFL in Georgia and has been actively involved in strengthening Georgian chapter ever since.
Favorite Figures in Liberty: Kakha Bendukidze, Milton Friedman, Frédéric Bastiat
On Students For Liberty: "Joining Students For Liberty was one of the best decisions of my life, not only because this organization helped me develop myself and promote ideas of liberty, but also because I became part of this big family of the most amazing and inspiring people across the globe!"

Linda Kavuka
African Programs Director
Bio: Linda began promoting the Ideas of Liberty in 2013 on joining SFL as a Charter Teams Member. She was later accepted to the Inaugural African Executive Board in 2014, serving as Regional Director for East Africa where she helped to launch SFL in the region. She served as chair of the African Executive Board in 2015 and is the host of the annual Eastern African Regional Conference. On behalf of African Students For Liberty Kenya Linda was selected to represent the youth interest in the project,” Fostering Issue Based Political Dialogue in Kenya towards the 2018 General Elections,” a project in partnership with Liberal Alliance Denmark, Kenya Association of Manufacturers and Eastern African Policy Centre January 2016 – November 2017. Linda completed a Bachelor of Law from the University of Nairobi and the Advocates Training Program from the Kenya School of Law. She is an Advocate of the High Court of Kenya, and previously practiced law at Muma and Kanjama Advocates. Linda recently joined Students For Liberty as staff and is the current African Programs Manager.
Favorite Figures in Liberty: FA Hayek, Bastiat, Mises, Tom Palmer
On Students For Liberty: "Joining SFL as a volunteer was one of the best decisions I made as a Student. SFL gives the platform, resources and imparts the skills to passionate young people as they advocate for liberty. The end result is a movement of young people across the globe that lead by example and stand out among their peers."

Liza Katsiashvili
European Programs Manager
Bio: Liza holds a Bachelor degree in Business Administration. She first got in touch with the ideas of libertarianism at the first year of her university and has been enthusiastic about bringing some changes towards the freer environment ever since. She has been involved in libertarian movement in Georgia since 2016. Besides that she is interested in entrepreneurship and is in the process of building a startup company with her partners.
Favorite Figures in Liberty: Ludwig von Mises, Milton Friedman, Kakha Bendukidze
On Students For Liberty: "SFL is an organization which brings liberty-minded youth together and provides them with the opportunities to develop themselves and make our world a freer place! It creates never-ending friendships, memories and encouraging stories of activists who are passionate about freedom!"

Luca Bertoletti
International Development Officer
Bio: Luca graduated with a degree in Political Science from the University of Milan in December 2014. He is primally interested in Public Choice Theory and his research interests also include the relationship between social sciences and the analysis of long run historical processes and the theory of complex phenomena.
Since November 2013 he has been an advocate of Young Voices Advocates. He was also a student of the Institute for Humane Studies.
Favorite Figures in Liberty: James Buchanan, Friedrick Von Hayek, Milton Friedman, Robert Nozick
On Students For Liberty: “Students for Liberty is a fantastic organisation for providing intellectual resources for all students and help the newcomers to understand better the libertarian ideas. Students for Liberty gives me a lot of resources and helps me to understand better the libertarian movement; SFL gives me the opportunity to fight for freedom in a very strong way.”

Luis F. Montealegre
Development Associate
Bio: Luis was born in Miami, Florida to Nicaraguan immigrants escaping a communist regime. He studied at St. Mary’s University where he double majored in Finance and Insurance. He then worked in Finance underwriting bonds for construction companies throughout Texas. However, he found himself longing for work that was more meaningful and impactful. So he quit and committed to finding the best way he could promote liberty minded ideas. Today, Luis helps Student for Liberty’s development team reach their fundraising goals. Luis lives in Texas where he has resided for over ten years. He is an avid fan of all comedy formats and an improvisational comedy performer.
Favorite Figures in Liberty: Milton Friedman, F.A. Hayek, Hernando de Soto Polar
On Students For Liberty: “Students for Liberty is impressive in both it’s international scope and breakneck growth. I feel both grateful and fortunate for the opportunity to start anew at SFL and, hopefully, leave a legacy I can be proud of.”

Magnús Örn Gunnarsson
North American Programs Associate
Bio: Magnús is born and raised in Kópavogur the largest town in Iceland. He has a degree in International Affairs from the Commercial College of Iceland and recently was the Regional Director for Students for Liberty in Northern-Europe. He joined SFL in 2015 as a Local Coordinator for Iceland and in 2016 he started the Association of Liberal Upper Secondary Students and organized the first Summer Liberty Academy. He organized the Regional Conference in Iceland in 2018 which gained him the title of Top Global Leader at LibertyCon in Washington DC last January. Recently he joined SFL staff in North America as the North American Programs Associate through the Koch Associate Program.
Favorite Figures in Liberty: Frédéric Bastiat, Voltaire and Davíð Oddsson
On Students For Liberty: "Students for Liberty is a young, vibrant organization with countless opportunities to offer young students and ambitious individuals. Without a doubt it will build up the strongest network of pro-liberty leaders in academia, business and politics for decades to come."

Mariam Gogolishvili
Global Campaigns Associate
Bio: Mariam is from Tbilisi, Georgia. She’s a graduate from the Free University of Tbilisi, where she studied governance and social sciences. Since then she has worked for several local and international media outlets as a reporter.
Within the liberty movement her first and foremost interest is drug policy reform. From 2014 she has been an organizer of a civic campaign “Do Not Arrest” which has been launched against repressive drug policy and lead to decriminalization of cannabis in Georgia.
She speaks English, Russian and French and is passionate about philosophy, biotechnology and the future of artificial intelligence.
Favorite Figures in Liberty: Frédéric Bastiat, David Friedman, Ross Ulbricht
On Students For Liberty: ““We were born in an extraordinary era; there have been a lot of political and social changes in the world during last decades. Due to Students For Liberty an amazing libertarian youth movement has emerged and is playing a crucial role in defending and promoting liberty worldwide. Thanks to SFL we find ourselves standing united on the right side of history – changing the world to a freer place.”

Michal Šindlář
Web & IT Director
Bio: Michal is currently working as the SFL Web & IT Director. He has an undergraduate degree in History and is now completing his master’s degree in Modern History. His second area of interest is online marketing and analytics. Prior to joining SFL, he worked for two years as an online marketing specialist in an online IT agency based in Brno, Czech Republic. Michal got involved with ESFL as a local coordinator in 2014 and joined the executive board a year after that. From 2013 to 2015, he was also the chairman of the Students For Liberty Czech Republic.
Favorite Figures in Liberty: Thomas Clarkson, Henry David Thoreau, John Milton, Murray Rothbard
On Students For Liberty: "Students For Liberty is not just about spreading ideas. It is also a global project through which individuals become part of an amazing community and get to know like-minded friends all around the world."

Mike Avi
North American Recruiting Manager
Bio: Mike Avi is the Students For Liberty North American Recruiting Manager. He joined the North American Campus Coordinator program in 2015, became the Southeast Regional Director in 2017, and now a member of staff through the Koch Associates Program. He likes reading science fiction novels and listening to political podcasts. His favorite snack is guacamole.
Favorite Figures in Liberty: Henry Hazlitt, Jeremy Bentham, Ayn Rand
On Students For Liberty: "I was a Libertarian before I heard of SFL and joined the group on my college campus; they took me to a regional conference and then to the ISFLC - both in my freshman year. I think the unyielding positivity that the leaders maintained were inspiring and attracted me to be a part of it. The culture that SFL cultivates among its leaders makes me proud to be a part of of what we do."

Milica Kostic
Global Events Director
Bio: Milica graduated from the Faculty of Political Science, International Relations at the University of Belgrade in 2013. Since 2009, Milica has been a member of Libertarian club Libek, a Serbian think-tank, where she worked as a Communications and Events Manager. She is currently completing her master’s degree at the Faculty of Political Science in Belgrade on a course in Political Theory, Political Sociology and Institutions. She got involved with ESFL as a local coordinator in 2013 after she took part in the organization of the first Regional Conference in Belgrade. After that, she joined the executive board where she served as a Regional Director of the Black Sea Region (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Georgia, Israel, Turkey and Romania).
Favorite Figures in Liberty: Lysander Spooner, David Friedman
On Students For Liberty: "Since my first encounter with SFL I saw that this organization is different than any other I’ve seen before. SFL creates a network of not only freedom-loving individuals, but also a network of friends around the globe trying to make this world a freer place. I feel privileged to work for a great cause with some of the best people one can hope to meet."

Nathaniel Baker
Director of North American Programs
Bio: Nate was born and raised in central Mississippi. He took interest in free markets and philosophy while studying economics at Mississippi State University where he founded the Bulldogs for Liberty. In 2015, Nate joined the Campus Coordinator program and interned at the Institute for Humane Studies during the same year. During his volunteer years with SFL, Nate organized numerous conferences and events and helped grow the SFL network in the deep south. Before joining SFL's staff, he worked for a cloud computing company in Raleigh North Carolina. Nate currently serves as the Director of North American Programs and lives in Mississippi with his wife and son.
Favorite Figures in Liberty: Ayn Rand, Murray Rothbard, Thomas Sowell, John Allison
On SFL: “No organization has facilitated my intellectual and professional development like SFL has. There is no question that the student landscape across the globe would be profoundly different without the work we do. Thousands of students have been educated and trained through SFL and our student volunteers move our world towards a freer future every day.”

Nazlıcan Kanmaz
Global Education and Training Manager
Bio: Nazlıcan is from Izmir, Turkey and she finished her undergraduate studies in philosophy at Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey. She also studied Philosophy, Politics and Economics at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Later she finished her graduate degree in Philosophy of the Social Sciences at London School of Economics and Political Science where she studied the effects of markets and society on each other. She has been active in Turkish civil society since 2014—where she has served as International Officer of 3H Movement, the only grassroots liberty-minded youth organization in Turkey. And she is active in academic and political circles as a proud classical liberal since then.
Favorite Figures in Liberty: Friedrich August von Hayek, Robert Nozick, J. S. Mill, Christina Bicchieri
On Students For Liberty: "Students for Liberty is an immense opportunity for me to reach out to new people all over the world and not only connect with other liberty-minded people, but also learn from them as fellow travelers on the road to freedom. Ideas of classical liberalism has proven themselves to be robust around the world, and I am incredibly happy to be a part of the SFL family and spread them around the world with such an incredible team!"

Nicole Sanders
Development Officer
Bio: Nicole started her career in the Liberty movement after she read Atlas Shrugged. She then enrolled at Blinn College in Brenham, Texas and started a Young Americans for Liberty(YAL) chapter in February of 2015. Nicole soon became disenfranchised when she learned of unconstitutional speech codes and a free speech area at her college. With the help of The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE), she placed a first amendment lawsuit against Blinn College and won in March of 2016. Nicole has been a Texas State Chair for Young Americans for Liberty, a Campus Coordinator for Students for Liberty, the Texas Campus Manager for Our American Initiative. Nicole was the top Field Associate for Americans for Prosperity in Texas in the spring and summer of 2015, and a Field Representative in Central and Northern California for The Leadership Institute.
Favorite Figures in Liberty: Ayn Rand, Frederic Bastiat, and Ludwig Von Mises

Nitsa Ioannides
Donor Relations Officer
Bio: Nitsa Ioannides is a born and raised Southern Californian, who is currently working as SFL's Donor Relations Coordinator. She moved to the east coast to pursue her undergraduate degree in Political Science and Pre-Law. While she was in school she worked on political campaigns and got her start in grassroots movements. Since she has moved back to California she has been dedicated to expanding education about the importance of smaller government and a freer future for all. This commitment and strong passion for helping and empowering others has lead her to find SFL. In her free time she enjoys hanging out with her family and friends, eating ice cream, playing tennis, running, and going to the shooting range.
Favorite Figures in Liberty: Milton Friedman, Thomas Sowell
On Students For Liberty: "Working for Students for Liberty is an honor unlike any other. The combination of both sincerity within the organization and empowering others, is unmatched. It is a genuine organization that is and will continue to make huge strides in societal changes. SFL enables students to learn and be more confident that there is a freer future and that people can make a difference not only nation-wide, but world-wide."

Nycollas Liberato
Brazilian Programs Associate
Bio:Nycollas Liberato is a 24 years old International Relations student at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, whose activities within the liberty movement go back to 2013, when he helped in the first activities of Atlantos Institute in Porto Alegre. Nycollas holds a Bachelor's degree in Military Sciences from the Agulhas Negras Military Academy and was the Director of Development of Atlantos Institute, responsible for its expansion and people's management; Vice-President at Atlantic Junior Consultancy; former President at Entrepreneurship and Liberty Club, as well as State Coordinator in his state.
Favorite Figures in Liberty: Friedrich Hayek, Israel Kirzner, Milton Friedman, Robert Nozick and Ludwig Von Mises.
On Students For Liberty: "Students For Liberty has the power to give people the most amazing objective possible: the pursuit of freedom."

Olufemi Ogunjobi
African Programs Associate
Oluwafemi Ogunjobi graduated from Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria in 2014, and he is a committed advocate for liberty. He came across Students For Liberty in Lagos, Nigeria, through Alexander McCobin who gave him one of Tom Palmer’s books: ‘Politicians, Dependence, and The Bubble That Broke The World Economy’. There, he invited him to the 2013 West African Students For Liberty Regional Conference at the University of Ibadan.
Reading through the gift, Oluwafemi was moved by Palmer’s first introductory paragraph where he wrote: ‘‘Young people today are being robbed. Of their rights. Of their freedom. Of their futures. The culprits? My generation and our predecessors, who either created or failed to stop the world-straddling engine of theft, degradation, manipulation, and social control we call the welfare state.’’
This spurred his interest to study more, and join the network in promoting the ideas that lead to a freer society. Early 2014, he co-founded a chapter of African Liberty Students Organization (ALSO) alongside four colleagues on campus. He has helped in spreading the ideas of liberty through frequent articles in national dailies and international blogs, and also through discussion panels and book fairs.
A freelance journalist and Editor, he is Nigeria’s Correspondent to Commonwealth, where he shares ideas with young minds from across Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Europe and the Pacific.
Ogunjobi, a Young Voices Advocates, is also a Guest Contributor on World Review, a global media that provides analysis and insights on world affairs, written by leading global experts in politics, economics, defense & security and energy.
Favourite figures of liberty: Ayn Rand, Frederic Bastiat, George Ayittey.
On Students For Liberty: ‘’Since I came in contact with SFL in July 2013, I have been able to understand the connection between free markets, liberty, and as well the creation of a character that makes a free society work’’

Olumayowa Okediran
Director of International Programs (Africa & Asia)
Bio: Olumayowa graduated from the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria in 2013 and is a committed advocate of liberty. In 2010, he came across the works of Frederic Bastiat, Bruno Leoni and Ludwig von Mises, and developed an appetite for the study of the ideas that lead to a free society. In 2010, he co-found the African Liberty Students’ Organization (ALSO) and served as the vice president for strategy at the first ALSO chapter in his school. Olumayowa has been instrumental in the establishment of the student movement for liberty across Africa. In 2011 he became an ALSO Outreach Assistant and was responsible for ALSO’s expansion in English-speaking African countries.
Favorite Figures in Liberty: Frederic Bastiat, Bruno Leoni, Ludwig von Mises
On Students For Liberty: "I came across SFL in 2010 just after the establishment of ALSO and I have been so impressed by the high level of professionalism exhibited by SFL leaders, the sheer enthusiasm they exhibit is outstanding. Joining the SFL team has been a wonderful experience."

Oswaldo Silva Martinez
EsLibertad Leadership Programs Associate
Bio: Oswaldo is from Venezuela and has a bachelor’s degree in International Studies from Universidad Central de Venezuela. During his student time he served as teaching assistant to the Chair of Constitutional Law at International Studies School and was elected as student representative in two important bodies of university governing system. In 2014, he became part of the first generation of SFL’s EsLibertad Program, serving as Regional Director for Venezuela during 2016-2017. He is alumnus of LIDERA Program, the largest network of young leaders in his country.
Favorite Figures in Liberty: Friedrich Hayek, Carlos Rangel and Jose Luis Cordeiro
On Students For Liberty: "Thanks to SFL I have learned in depth the philosophy of liberty and how to promote ideas in order to make a positive impact in our society. Joining the team have been an enriching experience and I determinate to do my best so we can see the changes in Latin America and the rest of the world."

Oya Flemr
Development Manager
Bio: Oya is a Computer Engineer who studied in Istanbul-Turkey. Worked at the biggest corporations as IT sales manager. After many years of the corporate system slavery, she decided corporate life is not for her, she got her yoga certificate and started her own yoga classes for the foreigner community in Czech Republic. Oya lives in Prague-Czech Republic last 9 years.
The idea of liberty was always a big topic for her, but the need for liberty highlightened when she has found out healthcare freedom is a big issue in Czech Republic. When she was pregnant, she has realized only the doctors can decide for her own birth, not herself, and this was not resonating with her. And this drove her to build a community to help the moms and the empower the moms to fight for their medical rights for medical freedom. She still tries to spread this message to her community.
Favorite Figures in Liberty: Ayn Rand
On Students For Liberty: “As a spiritual libertarian, I can not express my gratitude to be a part of SFL. A free future is what I want to give to my daughter and I think this is the right place to find likeminded people who value freedom as much as I do...”

Paige Farrell
Design Associate
Bio: Paige has a bachelors of fine art in Communication Design.
She has been working in the design field for about 5 years, and has a rage of experience from fine jewelry retail to health and wellness.
Paige has a passion for creating things, on screen and off - and loves when the two can mesh.
This lead to her personal wedding stationery business. She helps newlyweds discover love for invitation design.
When not designing, she loves to be outside. Tent camping and hiking are her favorite and have been since she was young. She loves traveling, going to concerts and having a good friend or two by her side.

Raissa Despindola
Brazilian Design Associate
Bio: Raíssa is the Brazilian Design Associate at Students for Liberty. She’s a passioned graphic design student in Santa Catarina State University and web design specialist. In 2016 she went to a libertarian conference, fell in love with liberty ideas and stayed in the movement. Raíssa already attended two election campaigns as a graphic designer and her libertarian candidate won both. When she’s not working or sleeping, she likes to visit museums, traveling and going to concerts.
Favorite Figures in Liberty: Frédéric Bastiat, Milton Friedman
On Students For Liberty: The SFL offers the opportunity to learn and grow alongside wonderful and intelligent people who stand for the same thing: freedom. I feel proud to be a part of it.

Robyn Harberger
Senior Director of Communications
Bio: Robyn Patterson Harberger serves as SFL's Senior Director of Communications, overseeing the design, marketing, and video teams. She has been a part of the SFL team since February of 2014. Robyn joins us after spending five years at the Institute for Justice where she served as the Assistant Director of Production and Design. Prior to her time at IJ, Robyn spent 2 years working at an advertising agency in Lafayette, Louisiana. Robyn is a graduate of Loyola University in New Orleans where she earned a B.A. in graphic design. She began her college years at University of Louisiana at Monroe, where she was a member of the NCAA Division 1 swimming team. Robyn currently resides in Denver, Colorado and spends her spare time looking for any excuse to take a road trip.
Favorite Figures in Liberty: Chip Mellor

Samantha Jorich
North American Events Associate
Bio: Samantha is a graduate of West Chester University of Pennsylvania, where she received B.A.'s in Communication Studies & Media and Political Science. She found the ideas of liberty and individual freedom while attending a Students For Liberty meeting on campus. She then went on to become Campus Coordinator and President of her school's Students For Liberty chapter. Now passionate about changing the lives of others through SFL, she joins us as North American Events Associate. In her spare time, Samantha enjoys traveling and meeting new people.
Favorite Figures in Liberty: Arthur Brooks, Milton Friedman, Matt Kibbe
On Students For Liberty: "SFL has opened countless doors for me while introducing me to some of the best people I know. I believe in SFL's mission more than any other cause, and the best way to spread this love of liberty is to bring people together from all over the world."

Victoria Ramirez
EsLibertad Programs Director
Bio: Victoria Ramírez has a B.A. in political science and international relations at Universidad Casa Grande in Guayaquil, Ecuador. She started her activism career in Students For Liberty almost at the same time she started working on a political project that bases its policy proposals in libertarian ideas. She is a founding member and current national representative of the Latin American Youth Network for Democracy, an activist organization that promotes democracy and human rights, which are two big interests in Victoria’s activism. She is also a member and the curator of the Guayaquil Hub of the Global Shapers community.
Favorite Figures in Liberty: F.A. Hayek, Frederic Bastiat, John Locke, Ludwig von Mises
On Students For Liberty: "More than an organization, SFL is an opportunity for personal and intellectual growth. Not only does it prepare activists to engage in the battle of ideas in favor of liberty during their college and university years, but throughout their lives, which is the only way to hope for a genuinely free society."

Vladimir Verovchuk
Data Director
Bio: Vladimir studied Information Systems and Networks in Lviv Polytechnic National University and previously worked for international web service company. Always keen on self-development, he started exploring the world of Salesforce and joined SFL Team as Data Intern and now serves as Data Director. If he is not near the PC and does not play or mod games, then he is exploring the world by traveling.
Favorite Figures in Liberty: John Locke
On Students For Liberty: “Being a part of SFL is an exciting journey. It is about working with broad-minded individuals, sharing the same values and having the opportunity for personal growth”

Yaël Ossowski
Senior Development Officer
Yaël Ossowski is deputy director for the Consumer Choice Center, and senior development officer for Students For Liberty.
He began at Students For Liberty as a volunteer in Europe in 2013, and later became European Programs Director, senior director, and then senior development officer, organizing large-scale conferences and training programs, fundraising, and overseeing the volunteer activities of hundreds of leaders.
Yaël has worked as a multimedia journalist globally, writing for outlets such as The Washington Examiner, The Huffington Post, South African Business Day, L’AGEFI, The Charlotte Observer, The Philadelphia Inquirer, Arizona Capitol Times, Detroit News, Miami Herald, Human Events, Reason Magazine, American Spectator, The Gaston Gazette,, and more.
He is a member of the Society of Professional Journalists, studied at Concordia University in Montréal, the University of Vienna, and received a Master’s Degree in Philosophy, Politics, Economics (PPE) at the CEVRO Institute in Prague.
Born in Québec and raised in North Carolina, he splits his time between Austria and North Carolina. You can follow his written work on

Yusuf Mahmood
North American Programs Associate
Bio: Yusuf Mahmood grew up in the Baltimore area, and recently graduated the University of Maryland at College Park with two degrees in economics and philosophy. Within Students For Liberty, Yusuf has previously served as a Campus Coordinator, Mid-Atlantic Regional Director, and Academic Programs Chair. He also interned at liberty-oriented think tanks such as the Cato Institute and the Niskanen Center. He is now a North American Programs Associate at Students For Liberty in North America. In addition to a deep interest in political theory, he is also interested in science, ethics, epistemology, and music. When he isn't reading books or engaging in friendly debates, he likes to play instruments, sing, and go star-watching.
Favorite Figures in Liberty: Milton Friedman, Friedrich Hayek, Henry George, Benjamin Tucker, Frederick Douglass, David Friedman, Voltairine de Cleyre, John Stuart Mill
On Students For Liberty: "It would be no exaggeration to say that SFL changed my life. Of all of the organizations of which I have been a part, SFL has had the greatest impact on me. It has opened up countless professional opportunities, allowed me to meet brilliant people, and helped me grow as a person. I am honored and excited to be a part of this community and movement for liberation."