New Young Voices Editorial Intern: Daniel Pryor

New Young Voices Editorial Intern: Daniel Pryor

Daniel PryorHow do you contribute to SFL in your new job role?

As an Editorial Intern for Young Voices, most of my work involves updating the Young Voices website. The material I produce includes summaries of media hits for our advocates, daily links to provide inspiration for articles, my own blog posts/op-eds, and most recently the Young Voices podcast. I also update YV’s site and manage their social media.

How did you first get interested in liberty?

I attended a Sixth Form conference that was hosted by the Adam Smith Institute in London. A few of the talks they gave on classical liberalism and libertarian thinking really resonated with me, and I soon began immersing myself in relevant literature. A few months later, an awesome teacher I had introduced me to and anarcho-capitalism, which fascinated me as it seemed like one could push the ideas of liberty to their greatest extent. He was a natural-law theorist, however, which I remain unconvinced by, so I started looking into the consequentialist arguments for market anarchism. That’s how I found David Friedman and other thinkers in his area, which I found far more convincing.

Who do you think is the most underrated libertarian thinker?

Kevin Carson, without a doubt. Kevin and his colleagues at the Center for a Stateless Society address areas in market anarchism/anarcho-capitalism that aren’t really being discussed enough. Their interest in how statism relates to other structures of oppression (e.g. patriarchy, institutional racism) is something that I think is good for the liberty movement, both ideologically and as a rhetorical strategy for attracting radicals. His work on ‘vulgar libertarianism’ and criticisms of those who conflate the current state of affairs with the ‘free market’ is equally as important. Placing issues like corporate welfare and monopoly-incentivizing regulation at the forefront of libertarian discourse is, at least to me, a step in the right direction.

On a non-liberty note, what do you like to do in your free time?

I enjoy daily walks and have recently become involved with airsoft. As well as this, I also enjoy meditation, gaming, and (shockingly for a British student) clubbing. I’m really into my electronic music, but I also play lighter stuff on guitar.

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