Get Ready for Constitution Day 2015



In just over a week, we’ll be celebrating that peculiar document that established the United States as we know it – and in doing so, ushered in a new era of experimentation in governance. In many ways a contract between the government and governed, the US Constitution is rooted in the tradition of natural rights and the philosophy of liberty like few other founding documents.

Constitution Day is Thursday, September 17th and, for students in the US, there’s no better time to start conversations about the limits of government and its proper role. The case for libertarianism is much easier to make when we’re able to remind fellow Americans that the country itself was founded on largely libertarian principles!

So, this fall, Students For Liberty wants to help you take advantage of Constitution Day to start conversations about rights and liberty in your campus community. Following the success of our $100 Student Disorientation grant program, we’ve decided to offer $100 activism grants for actions on Constitution Day!

Whether you’ve already got something planned for the 17th and want to make it even bigger and better, or you need ideas for a fun and functional first activism event, we want to help you make this coming Thursday all about liberty!

We’ll be sharing ideas for how to use Constitution Day to touch on current issues on your campus leading up to the 17th, so keep an eye on the SFL blog, and if you have an especially creative Constitution Day action planned, let us know so we can share your success. To get you started, here are some ideas from past pro-liberty students: setting up a graveyard of lost rights; building a giant Constitution to sign; focusing on the First Amendment with a free speech event; or even hosting a debate about the success of Constitution in protecting rights over the past 200+ years.

Whatever you want to focus on, just apply below to get $100 towards your Constitution Day activism. We’re excited to see what kinds of conversations can happening on campus this Constitution Day!

.                                                   Apply Now

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