A Post-Debate Pick-Me-Up

The group photo from the CNN stage last night.

The group photo from the CNN stage last night.

Are you depressed after watching the Republican debate last night? I mean, how many different ways are there to say “government is good and ought to be bigger”? From a disappointing range of opinions on things like drug reform and foreign wars, to the lackluster refrain of “at least I’m not Trump!” the CNN GOP debate was a forceful reminder that those who favor freedom still have work to do. It can seem like a dark time for liberty with so many mainstream politicians spouting statism loud and proud, but I’m here to tell you that there is still hope.

Today is Constitution Day, and dozens of student groups across the U.S. are throwing celebratory events thanks to support from Students For Liberty. SFL approved 40+ Constitution Day activism grants for libertarian student leaders to spruce up their outreach table, hand out pocket Constitutions, build a free speech wall, or put on a creative Constitution-themed event of their own design. You can follow the fun at SFL’s Constitution Day tagboard:

Click here to track the hashtag #ConstitutionOnCampus and see what SFL-ers are up to!

We’ve been impressed with the ideas they came up with are are looking forward to hearing about all the conversations about Constitutionalism and rights that go on at college campuses today.

matija-franklinIt’s not just in the U.S. where SFL is making a difference. Across the pond, European Students For Liberty Local Coordinator Matija Franklin has made international headlines for his generosity in the midst of the Syrian refugee crisis. A current Cambridge student, Matija has handed out hundreds of meals to migrants in his native Belgrade who have fled a violent civil war. Matjia’s story was featured in the largest newspapers by circulation in Croatia and Serbia.

These are just two examples of how SFL is making a difference, but there’s many more. In the next two months, we’re expected to host 50+ Regional Conferences across North America and Europe where thousands of students will solidify their love and knowledge of liberty.

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