5 Ways to Advance Liberty Before the New Year

5 Ways to Advance Liberty Before the New Year

Wondering how to keep advancing liberty over the holiday season?

Here are five ways to stay inspired, deepen your knowledge, and get ready for next semester while you’re on break:

1. Kickstart your activism.
Apply to be a Campus Coordinator and be the face of liberty on your campus and throughout the region. Applications are being accepted on a rolling basis for this highly competitive position. Get yours in now and start the New Year on the path to fulfilling your activist dreams. 


2. Figure out how you’re getting to ISFLC16.
It’s now or never! As we announced last week, Rally Bus seats are temporarily discounted for students in North America – just use the code ISFLC25 before December 31st to get 25% off your bus ticket to Washington, D.C. And if that’s not enough to get you here, you can also apply for one of the $100 travel scholarships we’ve made available to help you join the fun at #ISLFC16 this February 26-28th.

3. Delve into the ideas with Liberty 101.
Spend some down time watching the ten videos that make up our first-ever online course, Liberty 101 – just the beginning of many new academic programs in the works from SFL. The three sections, Philosophy, Economics, and Law take you through the key concepts of libertarian thought and you can explore the ideas further with quick quizzes and additional resources included below each video! Check it out.


4. Let the beauty of liberty inspire you!
Take advantage of the free time to indulge your creative side and explore the aesthetic aspects of liberty. The Ama-Gi Art Show is returning to ISFLC this year and there’s still time to make your mark – we’ve just extended the deadline for submissions to January 4th! So get weird with it, and send us your art today.


5. Get ready for another kick-ass semester advocating for liberty.
Go back to campus with new resources for free speech advocacy. Get a Free Speech Challenge tabling kit from Learn Liberty and challenge your peers to #SpeakFreely this spring.


Think you can check off all five before the New Year? 
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