SFL North America: April 2016 Update

In an attempt to better share our current activities with our network, SFL is beginning an SFL Around the World blog post series. At the beginning of each month, each region will post an update to their regional blog page to share their current activities. Please stay tuned for more updates next month!

April was another amazing month for SFL’s North American team! As part of our Focus Series, North American leaders hosted four single-issue conferences on Tech Freedom, Free Speech on Campus, Free Market Environmentalism and Ballot Issues in California. These conferences were quite successful due to the hard work of SFL’s North American volunteers.Incarceration Nation at UVA

Along with hosting four single-issue conferences, the North American team officially announced next year’s North American Executive Board. The board is comprised of North America’s top leaders and is responsible for programming and community building in the United States and Canada. For more information on next year’s board, click here!

For on-campus activism, the North American team launched the Speak Freely strike team this month! The Speak Freely campaign focused on the issue of free speech, and offered a $250 activism grant for students who were looking to host free speech events on campus. The campaign was a huge success, with over 20 events being held across the US and Canada.

image03Individually, several SFL leaders stuck out for their exceptional work. The first is Utah Campus Coordinator Emily Orr. Emily Started by hosting a free speech event, and petitioning for changes to her university’s speech code. As a result of her campaign the university officially recognized her efforts and is consulting Emily in the rewriting process of the university’s speech codes. Well done Emily!

In New Mexico, current Executive Board member Marisa Salazar and Campus Coordinator Patrick Alcala, paired up with local non-profits and hosted a successful Syrian Refugee benefit dinner and concert. The event had over 60 attendees and raised almost $1,000 for the American Refugee Committee’s Syrian Relief Program. The event garnered local praise, with State Representative Bill McCamley stating “I am really proud of the students who put this fundraiser on, and everyone in the community who supported it.”dd79033f-acce-4b9e-9eee-1ba8277053d9

Lastly, at Troy University, current Executive Board member Jeremiah Baky teamed up with the Residence Hall Association at Troy to sponsor a series of fundraisers to help the people of Flint Michigan. In wake of the water crisis, Jeremiah was able to successfully raise $1,289.40. Not only did they raise money for the victims of Flint Michigan, they did it by collaborating with student organizations from across the political spectrum. In order to successfully carry out this event, the SFL team at Troy collaborated with the university’s Secular Student Alliance, Troy Students For Life, the Student Alumni Association and the NAACP. Well done Jeremiah!

If you want to get involved in campus activism with SFL, we strongly encourage you to apply to SFL’s Campus Coordinator Program. The deadline to apply is May 9th. More information can be found here.

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