SFL North America: November 2016 Update


SFL North America

November was a busy month at Students For Liberty. Read the highlights of what our North American team has been up to!

Free pro-liberty activism kits distributed across the USA

Early in November, Students For Liberty opened applications for our all-new activism kits! These free kits are full of awesome tabling materials to help libertarian campus groups promote the ideas of a free and open society. Highlights in every kit include “End The Drug War” posters, “Don’t Drone Me Bro” stickers, “Stop Watching Us” USB sticks pre-loaded with the anonymous Tor internet browser, and “Don’t Tread On Anyone” bumper stickers! So far, the kits have been distributed to our activists at almost 100 different college campuses in 31 different states across the United States.

Peace, Love, Liberty campaign brings anti-war message to US campuses

Our recently-launched Peace, Love, Liberty grant program is receiving an influx of applications. Interventionism in foreign policy has been a crucial element of mainstream political platforms for decades in U.S. politics, but many libertarians see a foreign policy based on restraint as an essential element in the fight for freedom and prosperity across the world. These $250 grants aim to bring libertarian ideas to an area where they are sorely needed: foreign policy. Applications are still open!


Open Letter to College Democrats met with enthusiasm

Our Open Letter to College Democrats was picked up by Graham Vyse at the New Republic, who devoted an entire article to explaining the ways in which libertarians and progressives can cooperate on certain issues. In the wake of November’s election, Students For Liberty are emphasizing that we will work with groups from across the political spectrum to promote pro-liberty ideas. We are eager to build coalitions on issues like immigration reform, the failed War on Drugs, and criminal justice reform. Read the full New Republic article here.



Speak Freely Advocate Program aims to empower champions of free speech

November saw the launch of our Speak Freely Advocate (SFA) Program. The SFA program is a premier activist program designed for students looking to defend and promote free speech on their college campuses, and in their communities. SFL will be accepting 20 students from across North America to participate in this exclusive program. SFAs will take on Free Speech initiatives on campus from January through May of 2017 and will receive hands-on training and support from staff at SFL.


SFL Canada redoubles fight against the Nanny State

Earlier this year, SFL Canada announced and launched its #FreeToChoose Nanny State Campaign. The Free To Choose campaign focuses on calling out big government ridiculousness and absurd regulations in Canada. With the #FreeToChoose campaign, Students for Liberty Canada is telling the government to get out of our lives and to stop treating adults like children. So far, our efforts have been featured on the CBC, CTV, in the Toronto Sun and much more! Based on this success, SFL Canada announced in November that they are offering Canadian students activism stipends of up to $250 for Nanny State activism!




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