Cato and FIRE at ISFLC17

Today, it’s my pleasure to announce a few great speakers from the Cato Institute who will be covering everything from Trump to tech at ISFLC17:

“Privacy in the Age of High-Tech Police Tools” – Adam Bates & Matthew Feeney

adambatesfeeney_20140520-14Law enforcement is taking advantage of new technologies such as StingRays and drones which, while allowing police to more easily find suspects, pose a wide range of significant privacy concerns. The Cato Institute’s Matthew Feeney and Adam Bates discuss how we can protect privacy amid the emergence of new and intrusive technologies.

“President Trump: How did we get here, and where do we go now?” – Emily Ekins


Donald Trump was elected President despite pollsters’ nearly unanimous predictions to the contrary. Emily Ekins, a Cato Institute Research Fellow who focuses on public opinion and polling, will explain how. She will also explore what Trump’s election means for libertarians and where we should go from here. Emily’s publications include “The Libertarian Roots of the Tea Party” and “Public Attitudes toward Federalism: The Public’s Preference for a Renewed Federalism.”

“What to do about ISIS?” – Trevor Thrall

Fifteen years after 9/11, the United States is still arguing about how to deal with terrorism. Most Democrats argue that the United States should stick with the current strategy, while many Republicans think the U.S. should step up the fight. Cato Institute Senior Fellow Trevor Thrall offers his own perspective on how to best confront one of the world’s most vexing foreign policy problems.


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Free Speech Track at ISFLC17

And if free expression is your issue of choice, you’re in luck! This year’s conference will feature a full track of break-out sessions centered around issues in censorship and speech.We’ll be announcing more soon, but check out the first Free Speech Panel today:FIRE

Sponsored by the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, this panel will feature Molly Nocheck, who leads the FIRE Student Network, and Senior Program Officer Marieke Tuthill Beck-Coon.

Entitled “Leave a Legacy: The Fight for Civil Liberties on Campus,” the panel will cover the basics of your free speech and due process rights as a college student, how you can help advance your rights on campus, and how FIRE can help you achieve those goals.

Hear from these and all of our other wonderful speakers at the Tenth Annual ISFLC! Register now by clicking below:

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