Movie screenings are a cost-effective way to educate your campus community about various pro-liberty issues in a relaxed and fun way. Check out some of the opportunities below from the Free to Choose Network, Flex Your Rights, the Moving Picture Institute, and more as possibilities for your next film screening.

Request a screening of American Mayor with filmmaker Travis Irvine below.

Free or Equal is a documentary hosted by Johan Norberg and created by the Free to Choose Network. Travel with Norberg around the globe on an intellectual journey — one taken by Milton Friedman thirty years ago. How much has changed? Are we better off? Are Friedman’s insights alive and well?
Like Friedman, Norberg asks us to consider perennial questions about free markets, prosperity and the trade-offs between individual liberty and income equality.This is a great film to show at one of your campus meetings to get some good discussion going about Milton Friedman and his economic philosophy. A preview of the show can be seen here.

Rich nations have positioned themselves as protagonists for development and economic growth, giving rise to a vast multi-billion dollar poverty industry — the business of doing good has never been better. But rather than focusing on empowering local business owners, governments and nonprofits have primarily given in easier ways that look good to the press.
The results have been mixed and in some cases even catastrophic, and leaders in the developing world are growing increasingly vocal in calling for change. Drawing from over 200 interviews filmed in 20 countries, Poverty, Inc. unearths an uncomfortable side of charity we can no longer ignore and opens the door to a new conversation about entrepreneurship and the market process. Watch the trailer here!

Following the rise and fall of the dark net site Silk Road, Deep Web gives the inside story of one of the the most important and riveting digital crime sagas of the century — the arrest of Ross Ulbricht, the convicted 30-year-old entrepreneur accused to be ‘Dread Pirate Roberts,’ creator and operator of the site. The film explores how the brightest minds and thought leaders behind the Deep Web are now caught in the crosshairs of the battle for control of a future inextricably linked to technology, with our digital rights hanging in the balance. See the trailer here.

In 2007, a 24-year old filmmaker/comedian ran for mayor of his hometown in Ohio against seven other people. Knowing nothing about running for mayor he documented the 130-day campaign process and showed that one person can make a difference.
Travis Irvine is a comedian, journalist, filmmaker and unsuccessful politician. He has worked for VICELAND, the Guardian, HuffPost, Mediaite, Jesse Ventura’s “Off the Grid” on and .Mic. In 2007 he ran for mayor of his hometown in Ohio and turned the experience into a short documentary called "AMERICAN MAYOR" that was screened at the Cannes Film Festival. Watch the trailer here!

Mama Rwanda is the story of two women mixing the wit of motherhood with the spirit of entrepreneurship to overcome extreme poverty. Drocella, a village wife, and Christine, a city widow, represent a new generation of women business-owners transforming post-genocide Rwanda into one of the top ten fastest growing economies in the world.
A modern tale of the work/life balancing act, MAMA RWANDA illuminates the remarkable lives of two working mothers in the developing world. Despite the travails that the women faced, they braced themselves and put their passion for entrepreneurship into action. Mama Rwanda is a deeply intimate portrait of two women on journeys to build peace through prosperity creation. Check out the trailer for the documentary here.

A short film adaptation of Kurt Vonnegut's Harrison Bergeron, 2081 depicts a dystopian future in which, thanks to the 212th Amendment to the Constitution and the unceasing vigilance of the United States Handicapper General, everyone is "finally equal...."
The strong wear weights, the beautiful wear masks, and the intelligent wear earpieces that fire off loud noises to keep them from taking unfair advantage of their brains. It is a poetic tale of triumph and tragedy about a broken family, a brutal government, and an act of defiance that changes everything.
The story uses hyperbole to paint a picture of a future in which a powerful, dictatorial government goes to extreme measures to ensure that absolute equality exists between all individuals. You can view the trailer for 2081 here.