Alexandro Cea

Alexandro Cea

SFL Latin America

Student leader goes on to found an influential think tank in Chile dedicated to classical liberal ideas

Alexandro Cea, who recently completed his law major from the faculty of law at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, was part of the first cohort of Local Coordinators of Estudiantes por la Libertad en Chile, being an LC during 2013 and an LC senior for the year 2014. Today, Alexandro is the CEO and founder for Centro de Estudios Equidad Ξ. The think tank is the first of its kind in Valparaiso, Chile and through it he sought to study, promote, update and advocate the ideas of a free society to high school and university students at the local level and all throughout Chile.

Due to his initiative, Alexandro was awarded with recognition and a prize by Fundación Piensa, who gave it together with the sponsorship of El Mercurio in Valparaiso (the most read newspaper in Chile). This prize was awarded to young leaders in Valparaiso who are contributing to the local development in diverse areas such as science, art, sports, politics, activism, education, social movements, culture, economics, health, entrepreneurship, and innovation.

Alexandro´s think tank is also working in a new trend of classic liberal ideas which has its focus on solidarity, cooperation, association and social decentralization of the state in order to empower civil society organizations to free the hands of the state from the social issues, so it can focus on public order. This trend has received the name of “Associative liberalism”.

Centro de Estudios Equidad Ξ has gained a reputation and has little by little settled as a national opinion maker through the involvement and training of student leaders with a classic liberal bent. Alexandro acknowledges that this could not have been possible without the experience he got from Estudiantes por la Libertad. Alexandro says that “Estudiantes Por la Libertad is the biggest pro-liberty student organization within Latin America. It has been extremely useful to have the opportunity of being a part of it and taking advantage of all the opportunities and resources provided for my preparation on the ideas of liberty and activism, but especially the networking it has provided for me has allowed me to have an ammunition of highly effective tools to advocate, develop and promote the ideas for liberty, but especially to start my think tank Equidad.”

Even though it is true that Alexandro’s time as a Local Coordinator of Eslibertad is in the past, he still continues to work together with Eslibertad closely. His think tank holds a strong and constant relationship with Estudiantes por la Libertad as a key ally in Chile which provides training for the Eslibertad Blog team and also training and empowerment opportunities for other Eslibertad leaders in order to improve their skills to advocate the ideas of liberty.


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