We’ve just gotten word from Estudiantes por la Libertad (EsLibertad) staff that the situation in Venezuela is deteriorating rapidly after President Maduro moved to solidify his power by stripping the National Assembly of its authority through a high court action. CNN says:
The court ruled that all powers vested under the legislative body will be transferred to the Supreme Court, which is stacked with government loyalists.
The ruling effectively means the three branches of the Venezuelan government will be controlled by the ruling United Socialist Party. The opposition has been taken out of the picture.
EsLibertad Program Director Julio Clavijo reports:
He is formalizing the dictatorship the country was living in. There is a high possibility that presidential elections which are due to take place in 2019, might not happen. At this moment, riots and chaos (which was present already, but at a different degree) are starting to escalate.
We’re still in touch with student leaders in the country and our leaders have started to create awareness through social media with the hashtag #PorUnaVenezuelaLibre. They’ve asked that this hashtag be shared around the world and used to show solidarity and support for pro-freedom Venezuelans and the Venezuelan people in general.
Please use the hashtag and include messages of support for our young freedom fighters in Venezuela. You can also help by retweeting their tweets from the hashtag, to echo what’s happening throughout the international liberty community.
If you’d like to find more ways to help, please contact Julio Clavijo at [email protected].