LLY Spring Academy

In the spotlight of this weekend – the Spring Academy, organised by Lithuanian Liberal Youth together with European Students For Liberty! Filled with great lectures, workshops and simulations, this event invited the greatest leaders to discuss the spread of liberty ideas.

Spring Academy is an event on purpose to promote the spread of liberal ideas among youth in Lithuania. It is a 3 daylong event, during which various workshops and discussions about ideologies, political compass, the meaning of liberalism in our daily life, business, politics, economy and social life are organised. Participants during this event have a chance to discuss these issues with professionals of their field.

The main aims of LLY Spring Academy is to encourage our members to meet and get used to ideas of freedom and also to become successful leaders of the future and lead organization to new heights.

LLY Spring Academy is an open event, however, we take a priority to our members with an aim to develop their best skills on liberalism and general political understanding. Despite that, to participate candidates have to fill special applications and only the selected are invited.

This year we invited 55 the most curious and determined young people from all over Lithuania. These people worked and discussed important questions on liberalism and libertarianism with Marija Markauskaitė, the ex-chair of Lithuanian Liberal Youth, Kevin Flanagan, the ESFL Program Manager, Frédéric Jollien, ESFL Local Coordinator, Vladas Polevičius, Lithuanian Youth Council Board member and other speakers.

During those 3 days speakers from different backgrounds debate, make presentations and simulations for our participants.

The first day of LLY Spring Academy was dedicated to basic knowledge about liberalism. We began with a presentation of ideologies, main authors, values, goals and other details, the members should know about. For gaining practical knowledge we prepared specific activities. During “Political Compass” participants had a chance to find their political dimension after filling the renewed survey and finding their place on a map of political dimensions, which had economic and social scales.

On the second day we had two lectures on Austrian School of economics and international politics and its regulations. After that the liberty of individual was presented using world cafe method with 4 speakers.

During the third day, all participants had an opportunity to adjust their knowledge in practical exercises: the aim was to create a concept of resolutions, suggestions and communication plans based on liberal ideas, they heard about during the event.

This project is an investment in people who believe in liberty and who can create the more liberal future in the region and promote ideas of freedom in our society.

LLY Spring Academy brought together the knowledge and important skills for potential leaders in our country. In addition, we believe that this kind of event will inspire young people to invoice their ideas, to generate their connections and inspire them to get involved in pro-liberty movements in Lithuania and in all over the world.


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