Guillermina Sutter Schneider


Guillermina Sutter Schneider

SFL Latin America

SFL knows no Borders: Promoting Freedom From Argentina to DC

Guillermina had her first encounter with SFL when she met Wolf von Laer at the beginning of 2011 in Rosario Argentina where she is originally from. Since that moment, she started to become more involved with the network at Eslibertad (the Latin-American branch of SFL) in Argentina and its leaders. Later, she was invited as a speaker in October 2013 for the first Eslibertad Regional Conference that took place in Chile. After the Regional Conference, Guillermina decided to be more active and involved with Eslibertad Argentina and applied for the Local Coordinator (LC) program in 2014 and finally became an Eslibertad Argentina LC. She rose fast and in 2015, she became the Regional Director for Argentina and also an Executive Board Member for Eslibertad.

While working to promote liberty as an SFL-Eslib leader, Guillermina had the opportunity to work closely with Fundacion Libertad in Argentina which she considers as a key step for her academic formation. It was through the different activities this think tank had that Guillermina was able to meet and learn from great freedom fighters such as Walter Castro, Alberto Benegas Lynch (h), Rogelio Pontón, Sebastián Landoni, among many others who transmitted to Guillermina the ideas of freedom.

For Guillermina, SFL-Eslibertad means not only to reflect, spread, feel and live liberty, but also it means to promote and explain the ideas and values of a free society. In SFL, she has found a great and valuable community that she now calls family, where thousands of students around the globe are permanently in contact by sharing the same cause. For this reason, SFL knows no borders.

Nowadays, Guillermina has been featured several times in the Huffington Post and other outlets in Latin America due to her work as an assistant researcher at Cato Institute in the Center for Liberty and Global prosperity in Washington DC where she continues to promote and push forward the ideas of liberty and a freer society.

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