Want to stay up to date on the latest buzz in political, economic, and cultural issues? Tune in to SFL On-Air, a podcast dedicated to exploring new and exciting stories making their way through the blogosphere.

Every two weeks, join in and get the full student scoop!

Hosted by Austin Mulka and Ali Hallal, SFL On Air explores politics, economics, philosophy and much more in an open, conversational setting.



SFL on Air is the official podcast of Students for Liberty - a worldwide liberty organization with the mission to educate, develop, and empower the next generation of leaders for freedom. Now, you can support the show on Patreon!

As donors to the show, you will be contributing to better equipment, increasing production value, hiring staff, and increasing our budget for promotion. We also have some amazing rewards. The first 5 people to pledge $25 get the opportunity to be guests on the show!

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