THE ONLY MOVIES YOU SHOULD BE WATCHING


Mama Rwanda is the story of two women mixing the wit of motherhood with the spirit of entrepreneurship to overcome extreme poverty. Drocella, a village wife, and Christine, a city widow, represent a new generation of women business-owners transforming post-genocide Rwanda into one of the top ten fastest growing economies in the world.

A modern tale of the work/life balancing act, MAMA RWANDA illuminates the remarkable lives of two working mothers in the developing world. Despite the travails that the women faced, they braced themselves and put their passion for entrepreneurship into action.

Mama Rwanda is a deeply intimate portrait of two women on journeys to build peace through prosperity creation. Check out the trailer for the documentary here.


A short film adaptation of Kurt Vonnegut’s Harrison Bergeron, 2081 depicts a dystopian future in which, thanks to the 212th Amendment to the Constitution and the unceasing vigilance of the United States Handicapper General, everyone is “finally equal….”

The strong wear weights, the beautiful wear masks, and the intelligent wear earpieces that fire off loud noises to keep them from taking unfair advantage of their brains. It is a poetic tale of triumph and tragedy about a broken family, a brutal government, and an act of defiance that changes everything.

The story uses hyperbole to paint a picture  of a future in which a powerful, dictatorial government goes to extreme measures to ensure that absolute equality exists between all individuals.  You can view the trailer for 2081 here.

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