Hack The Rules Campaign by SFL Montpellier

A recently established European Students for Liberty (ESFL) group in Montpellier kicked off with their first campaign. The goal is to raise awareness among young people about libertarianism through presenting liberty advocates such as Frederic Bastiat and Ayn Rand in a postmodern light.

As the founder of the group and a Local Coordinator for European Students for Liberty Matthieu. O. Durand explained, “With this campaign we want to show that being a libertarian means breaking the rules in order to find new frontiers and new perspectives, and, thus, discover the real you.”.

In just one month the group grew to 14 volunteers, who are now promoting liberty on the campus of Université de Montpellier, which is among the top ranked universities in France. Montpellier SFL also launched their own website and is now working on expanding their campaign across other universities and recruiting new leaders.

To stay updated about the activities of Montpellier SFL, please follow them on Facebook and Instagram.


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