Africa: September 2017 Update

SFL Club in KNUST, Ghana gets inaugurated

On Saturday 30 September 2017, Student for Liberty in Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (SFL-KNUST) got inaugurated. The occasion was elevated with an interesting debate (facilitated by the Institute for Liberty and Policy Innovation -ILAPI) between SFL-KNUST and the KNUST Writers Association (KWA). Local Coordinator, Nathaniel Dwemena, and Frederick Yankey, debated in support of the motion that “Job creation should the role of the individual not the government” and Benjamin Opoku Arye and Emily Otoo Quayson from KWA debated against.

Mr. Kwadwo Afriyie a lecturer, who was the Chairman for the Occasion and Patron for SLF-KNUST duly launched the new club in his inaugural speech. SFL-KNUST is blessed to have such a patron who is a lover of liberty.

ALED partners ASFL-Uganda to host Free Market Conference

Action for Liberty and Economic Development together with ASFL – Uganda organized a Liberty & Free Markets conference at the University of Kisubi on the 23rd of September. The theme of the conference was “breaking the barriers to opportunity and prosperity” and focus was on Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Economic Freedom. The conference attracted student leaders from the various institutions in Uganda as well as some lecturers of the University.

Students Interact on ‘Economics for the real World’ at UCT

An Austrian economist and libertarian, Russell Lamberti, on the 27th of September spent the evening interacting with a group of UCT students about how to apply economics to the real world and how to make a career out of economics. Russell spoke about the skills that economists need, job opportunities and what students need to do above their studies to ensure they become good economists. He also spoke about the importance of economics in understanding our world and how to challenge the misguided policies of politicians.

Machakos University ASFL Leaders Host Tabling Event and Conference

Our leaders in Machakos University in Kenya held a tabling event on the 12 of September to promote their SFL group and educate students about liberty and the important role they occupy as agents of change in the society. Also, on the 30th of September, they organized a one-day conference at the University’s Hotel & Conferencing Centre. This Conference had an attendance of 56 participants, and  they interacted on topics on free markets , youth employability and entrepreneurship among others.

ASFL Competition project in the Great Lakes produce winner in DRC

Students for Liberty in the Great Lakes region has been running a competition program tagged “breaking the barriers to prosperity and opportunity” in the great lakes region comprising of Burundi, Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

The competition in DRC was concluded in September with SFL BUKAVU emerging as winner. Winners from the inter-university competitions from each of the countries will compete at the inter-country competition later in Burundi.

ASFL host Interactive Forum at Machakos Institute of Technology

On September 14, the ASFL Machakos team led by our Local Coordinators Cynthia Prasis and Shadrack Abala shared classical liberal ideas with students at the Machakos Institute of Technology in Kenya.

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