Whole Foods CEO John Mackey: SFL’s Newest Board Member

Today, Students For Liberty CEO Wolf von Laer announced that John Mackey, Whole Foods CEO and Co-founder, has joined the Students For Liberty Board of Directors.

John Mackey, the newest member of the SFL family, who is well known for both his entrepreneurial leadership with Whole Foods and his book, Conscious Capitalism, was also recognized in 2013 as the SFL Alumnus of the year.

“I am confident that by joining SFL’s Board of Directors, John will add tremendous wisdom and experience to our organization. His entrepreneurial spirit will only strengthen our organization’s approach to educating, developing, and empowering the next generation of leaders of liberty”, said Wolf in an email to the SFL network.

John Mackey will be joining current Board of Director members Dan Grossman, and SFL co-founders, Sloane Frost, Alexander McCobin, and Sam Eckman.

This move by Mackey also comes during the historical acquisition of Whole Foods by Amazon, which was solidified in August. Amazon Echo’s are now being sold next to 49 cent bananas in Whole Foods stores across the country (#freemarkets).

In a conversation with Wolf, Mackey expressed his excitement for getting involved with SFL. “I had no idea they were the largest pro-liberty student organization in the world in terms of events, leaders trained, and countries represented. Their budget is a whopping $4.1 million and they have 51 staff members. This translates to more free markets, more free trade, and more advocates for free speech on campuses in the US and in the world.”

It is our hope that this recent addition to the Board of Directors will help SFL evolve and continue in the US and across the globe. Please join us in giving a warm #SFLove welcome to John! We are excited to welcome you to our global family.

Correction: An earlier version of this blog stated that Amazon and Whole Foods had gone through a merger, Amazon has instead acquired Whole Foods through an Aquisition. 

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