10 Things Liberty Activists Should Do Over Winter Break


  1. Take a Break!

All semester long you’ve been attending meetings, tabling to promote the ideas of liberty, planning socials, and organizing activist events. It’s time to sit back, celebrate and treat yo self! Take a few days off to pursue whatever you’d like to do. Live freely, as we all say.

  1.  Read for Fun

When authority figures during the academic year tell you what to read, when to read and how to read it, reading can lose its charm. Now that you’re on winter break, you should have plenty of time to enjoy a book or two for pleasure. It doesn’t hurt to reread a good liberty-minded book, either.  

  1. Visit the Shooting Range

Blow-off some of the steam that you might have felt during this past semester and practice your 2nd Amendment rights at the same time! Focusing your attention on a target and practicing a skill can reduce some of that finals stress.

  1. Catch Up from Last Semester

Shuffling between being a full-time student and a fighter for liberty can be exhausting. It’s a never ending cycle of completing tasks and critically thinking about the problems that exist in the world. If you’re like me, it’s likely that you started out the semester with a lot of goals and plans in mind, but only a fraction of those ambitions actually came to fruition. Now that you’re on break, you should be able to catch up and reorganize yourself. Now is the time to catch up on any responsibilities you may have put on the back burner for school or SFL.

  1. Listen to a Podcast

You’ll likely be traveling to visit family and friends over the holidays, so why not listen to a podcast on the way? If you can find the right one for your passions, they can be educational and enjoyable. As an liberty activist, you can obviously choose to listen to a political or philosophical show, but sometimes it is nice to explore other interests. I occasionally dive into a lifestyle podcast that helps me enhance my communication and relationship skills and improve upon my overall well-being.

If you’re unsure of what to listen to or want to explore something fresh, reach out to a friend for ideas or take a peak at some of my favorites:

The Voluntary Life

School Sucks Project (Check out episode #521 because I’m in it!)

Resist the Empire: A Libertarian View on the Star Wars Universe

The Joe Rogan Experience

The Art of Charm

The Next Level w/ Jeff Agostinelli

The Ultimate Health Podcast

  1.  Update Your Resume

Over the past semester you probably completed a variety of professional tasks that can be added to your resume. Don’t procrastinate! Make these additions to your resume right now while you have the time and actually remember all of the awesome things you did. If you wait until you’re already in the job search, you may be squeezed for time or, worse, not have the details handy to best reflect your hard work.

  1.  Network Online & In-person

Don’t be hesitant to meet new people in liberty communities online and in-person over winter break. Maybe accept that friend request of the person with only a few mutuals, but all student leaders. Maybe travel to other areas in your region to meet up with other Campus Coordinators. Since you do have the extra time on break, you might as well enhance your network and connect with other individuals. It’s a great way to get project and event ideas for the upcoming semester.

  1.  Remind Yourself that Taxation is Theft

Remind yourself of all of the things that you want to change. Remind yourself of all the reasons  that make fighting for liberty worthwhile. As for me, I will keep fighting for liberty until taxation is replaced by voluntary and consensual exchange, and I am no longer enslaved to debt. What are your reasons?

  1.  Set Goals for the Next Semester

Yep… the party’s almost over. It is time to think ahead. Were there events that you wanted to host last semester, but they just didn’t happen? There is no better time than NOW to plan for those. Consider when, where, and how you will make them happen. There should be no shame in using a calendar to meticulously plan out your semester of activism. Consider what other goals you would like to accomplish. You’ve got one more semester this academic year to make a difference on your campus.

  1. Register for LibertyCon

If you haven’t registered for the biggest annual libertarian gathering in North America then what have you been waiting for?! There’s no excuse at this point, but here’s a friendly reminder. Don’t wait until ticket prices go up. And don’t forget to use the discount code from your favorite SFL Campus Coordinator! (P.S. my code is “gmaylock”)


This piece solely expresses the opinion of the author and not necessarily the organization as a whole. Students For Liberty is committed to facilitating a broad dialogue for liberty, representing a variety of opinions. If you’re a student interested in presenting your perspective on this blog, visit our guest submissions page. Like what you read here? You can sign up for a weekly digest of the SFL blog and subscribe for a weekly update on SFL’s events, leadership programs, and resources.


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