10 Things Libertarians Shouldn’t Do In 2018

Have you made your New Year commitments for 2018? We at European Students For Liberty have already made ours at are now thriving to share them with you. So, dear friend,get prepared to learn what are those 10 things that libertarians should not do under any circumstances in 2018!

Rule 1. Don’t sell your bitcoins.

It. Is. Growing. So, HODL and wait till it hits a million bucks by the end of the year. Believe us, one day you will check your wallet and happily go dancing. Goods times are coming, or better say, crypto times are coming!

Rule 2. Don’t pay taxes.

As we all know that every human being has a moral responsibility to avoid paying taxes. Just remind yourself how many bitcoins you could have bought for the taxes you paid this year. Taxation is theft, isn’t it?

Rule 3. Forget about pizza with pineapples. Does it need to be explained?

Rule 4. Don’t present yourself as a liberal. Don’t turn right. Don’t mess up with left wing biases…. Or you would risk to end up arguing under one of the Facebook posts with thought police. Same about pineapples on pizza.

Rule 5. Don’t start your arguments with “You’re wrong”. Also, don’t scream “ You are a socialist” at each other.

Rule 6. Stop obsessing with cultural marxism and conspiracy theories.

It’s just useless. Also, stop using this term against everything you don’t really like.

Rule 7. Don’t think that you are the smartest guy in the room.

You can’t decide what others should be convinced by, but what you can do – is to respect their vision and act accordingly. We are 100% convinced, that it would work better than saying: “That’s not an argument’ to whatever others claim.

Rule 8. Don’t let govs with the Drug War. Just don’t let them get away with it.

Rule 9. Don’t lose faith. In ideas. In the freer world. In the future. In yourself. In your freedom and ability to create, achieve and be happy.

Rule 10. Last, but not least. Don’t lose your pants at LibertyCon. And if being more precise – don’t miss out LibertyCon! This will be your time to debate with all those great people who never claim each other to be socialists, don’t start their arguments with ‘You’re wrong” and never eat pizza with pineapples. You will just breath freedom, and pay for your drinks with crypto saved from taxes.

Happy holidays to you and please, do enjoy the every single second of living this amazing free life!


This piece solely expresses the opinion of the author and not necessarily the organization as a whole. Students For Liberty is committed to facilitating a broad dialogue for liberty, representing a variety of opinions. If you’re a student interested in presenting your perspective on this blog, visit our guest submissions page. Like what you read here? You can sign up for a weekly digest of the SFL blog and subscribe for a weekly update on SFL’s events, leadership programs, and resources.

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