LibertyCon 2018? Count Me In!

I joined Students for Liberty a few years ago, but I haven’t had the opportunity to attend LibertyCon until this year. I’m super excited, and I wanted to share just a few reasons why.


  1. Networking: Most people in Students for Liberty and other pro-liberty organizations got started in a group or club, and get to interact with other students with similar ideals on a regular basis. As an online student, however, I never got to be part of a setting like that. For me, conferences, whether local, regional, national, or international, are like a breath of fresh air where I can become better educated in the ideals of liberty, and just enjoy being around people who are doing everything they can, just like me, to help further this amazing cause.
  2. Incredible Speakers: I was officially “converted” to the cause of freedom in 2016 at a Young Americans for Liberty conference called YALCON. The speakers were nothing short of inspiring and instead of feeling like I was fighting alone for something that could never happen, for the first time, I felt hopeful and like this was something worth throwing my heart and soul into. It lit a fire in me that nothing has been able to quench since. Several of those same speakers will be at LibertyCon this year and many that I haven’t yet met. I’m excited to see just how brightly my fire can burn when it is fed once again.
  3. Incredible Leaders: You don’t realize just how many people there are to look up to, and that you can become one until you are surrounded by hundreds or thousands of student leaders that come from backgrounds just like you. It makes you want to stand a little taller, correct your slouchy posture, and do a little better. Some of the people who have inspired me most of all are other students in the movement, many of which I consider close friends now. Conferences like this are how I met people like Morgan Aldous from All This with Aldous, a liberty YouTube sensation and Jorge Jraisaati, an activist from Venezuela who never stops speaking up about the terrors of socialism and fighting to free his country from them. The inspiration you can get from the other students is immeasurable and really helps you push yourself to do better.


So, now you know why I’m so excited for LibertyCon, and I hope you are too. If you haven’t registered yet, I encourage you to do so today. I promise, this conference will change your life. You can register at and you can use my code swilliams for 33% off the ticket price! I hope to see every one of you there.

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