Cryptocurrency Debate at LibertyCon!

Crypto is a wild world. As I’m writing this sentence, the price of one Bitcoin has gone down below $10,000. Yesterday, its daily low was right around $11,200. This is just one example of how volatile the market is. Some people look at this volatility and see it as something dangerous, as something more similar to gambling than investing. Others look at crypto and see only opportunity: early retirement, Lamborghinis, trips to foreign lands, and a way to support their favorite organization (Students For Liberty accepts Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin donations).

Cryptocurrency has sparked a contentious debate. Neither economists nor libertarians have a unanimous view on the issue. It’s up for discussion and that’s why we’re thrilled to announce the newest addition to the LibertyCon program:

The CryptoCurrency Debate

Is cryptocurrency a feasible alternative to fiat currency? That is the central question of the debate featuring American financial expert Peter Schiff and Sterlin Lujan of

Peter Schiff

Peter Schiff is a businessman, investor, financial commentator, radio personality, author, and CEO of Euro Pacific Capital. He is an adherent to the Austrian school of economics and regularly comments on the state of Bitcoin and gold.

Sterlin Lujan

Sterlin Lujan is the Communications Ambassador for He has been deeply immersed in the crypto ecosystem since 2013, but did not get serious until 2015. He is an outspoken proponent of voluntary anarchism.

Let’s face it, 2017 was crypto’s best year yet. That performance attracted significant media attention, and that’s likely to continue. The conversation surrounding it will grow, especially if we start seeing more mainstream adoption. LibertyCon is a great place to learn more about crypto. Attendees will receive free Bitcoin Cash, there will be a social hosted by, and Naomi “Bitcoin Girl” Brockwell is emceeing the event. The cherry on top is our Cryptocurrency Debate.

Which side are you on? Register today and make yourself heard.

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