The First Leadership Forum In Tirana

2018 Tirana Leadership Forum was a unique experience for me. My involvement with European Students For Liberty has been very diverse so far and it has given me the opportunity to grow intellectually and become a National Coordinator for Albania.

Organizing 2018 Tirana Leadership Forum was the idea of mine, which was supported by the Kosovo team and ESFL staff, who together helped me to make it happen.  This kind of event took place for the first time in Tirana and was a huge success for both local chapters of Albania and Kosovo and the entire ESFL network.

During that day we covered the topics of leadership, politics, free market economy, individual liberty and many others. Lectures were delivered by Albanian and foreign professors who had a lot of experience that student attendees could learn about.

“Being a leader with ESFL” was not simply a speech but a huge motivation from Kevin Flanagan.

An intellectual clash, as we can name it, happened when two of our distinguished speakers started a constructive debate on all matters related to liberty nowadays, both theoretical and practical. This session was amazing, full of jokes and some funny moments that entertained the audience.

The entire day of the Forum was filled with talks, brainstorming, open discussions, networking and very productive workshops on public speaking and innovation, including cryptocurrency and blockchain technology.

Personally for me organizing this event was a little bit stressful but definitely worth the time and effort invested. There is no better feeling than speakers, colleagues, and attendees congratulating you on your hard work and success. The positive energy that I received was the best reward anyone could ever receive.

With this in mind, I really want to encourage all young people to get involved with the movement and organize such events despite it seeming difficult and time-consuming. But eventually, it is a lifetime experience and a great chance to meet amazing people and discover new opportunities.

2018 Tirana Leadership Forum will remain a milestone for the future free generations in the region and Europe as a whole. I consider it to be a perfect incentive to motivate and encourage leaders for liberty to aim high and hold impactful events to advance freedom across the globe.

– Enea Zhuleku, National Coordinator for Albania

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