Climate and the Free Market at LibertyCon

Can free markets deliver the fuels of the future? Can clean tech supercharge our economy? Can free enterprise solve climate change? The Environmental Left would have you believe that big government can stoke clean-energy innovation and manage the risks of climate change. Nonsense! Join us for a discussion with conservative leaders on the cutting edge of solving environmental and energy challenges with the brute force and efficiency of free enterprise.

Students For Liberty is thrilled to be hosting “Markets not Mandates – Free Market Approaches to Clean Energy and Climate” at LibertyCon 2018.

Environmental protections are a vital and controversial issue in public debate. This panel will explore how the free market can provide solutions to growing environmental concerns. The sponsors of this panel include the American Legislative Exchange Council, RepublicEn, Conservative Energy Network, and the American Conservation Coalition.

The Panelists

Alex Bozmoski

Alex Bozmoski is managing director of, a community of EcoRight conservatives and libertarians advancing climate action rooted in free enterprise. Prior to starting republicEn with former Rep. Bob Inglis, Alex developed rural-energy projects in East Africa. He consulted for think tanks, authored peer-reviewed articles, helped several GOP campaigns, and designed e-learning courses on environmental economics used by thousands of government officials and energy practitioners in developing countries.

Representative Jason Saine

Jason Saine is a member of the North Carolina General Assembly. In addition to his role at the North Carolina General Assembly, Rep. Saine serves as the national chair of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), where he has made issues such as tax reform, balanced budgets, investment in energy and emerging technologies top priorities. Saine was also recently appointed to the Federal Communications Commission’s Intergovernmental Advisory Committee where he will use his expertise as a state legislator and technology business owner to help create better IT and telecommunication policy in the coming years at the federal level.

Heather Reams

Heather Reams is a 20+ year veteran in strategic communications, public affairs and advocacy. She’s held a number of senior non-profit and agency positions but started her career on Capitol Hill working for Senator Bob Smith (R-NH) and Congressman Gerald Weller (R-IL11). Heather the current managing director for Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions. She serves on the board of directors for the American Conservation Coalition, a free-market environmentalist organization. A native Virginian, Heather is active in Republican local and Virginia political affairs. She is also a wife and a mother to two young children.

Mark Pischea

Mark Pischea is the President of the Conservative Energy Network. Since helping to devise and launch the Michigan Conservative Energy Forum, the nation’s first state-based conservative clean energy organization, in 2013, Mark helped start similar efforts in North Carolina in 2014, then Ohio and Minnesota in 2015. Thinking they were on to something, Pischea next created the Conservative Energy Network in 2016 with an initial roster of 7 state teams. By the end of 2016, Mark and his team helped build CEN into a 19-state Network that has become the driving force behind the emerging conservative clean energy movement in state capitols across America.

LibertyCon will take place March 2- 4 at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel in Washington, DC.

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