African Students For Liberty, Malawi in partnership with Center for Free Market Enterprise is hosting the 2018 Leadership Forum at the University of Malawi Chancellor College, Zomba, Malawi on March 24, 2018. The leadership forum will mark the return to where SFL activities kicked off in the country.
A brief history of SFL Malawi:
Under the leadership of Peter Yakobe, a graduate SFL’s Charter Teams Program, SFL Malawi was launched in November 2013. Yakobe, the founder of CFME came across the liberty movement during his undergraduate studies in Uganda. Upon return to Malawi, he approached a group of nine pro-liberty students from University of Malawi Chancellor College to be in the first executive board of the the group. Fired up to take the libertarian movement forward, the formation of SFLM provided them an opportunity to achieve their goals and reach a wider audience.
In its formative years, SFL Malawi focused on organizing entrepreneurship training seminars, career talks in secondary schools, reach-out campaigns to other college campuses and spreading the ideas of liberty and materials about liberty and economic development at the Chancellor College campus.
Participants the first SFL Southern African Regional Conference held at University of Malawi Chancellor College in May 2015
Since its formation, SFL Malawi has excelled at reaching out to two more university campuses and establishing SFL groups, organizing series of career and motivational talks to secondary schools in which hundreds of students were reached, organizing and training college students in entrepreneurship and most importantly hosting the first Southern African Regional Conference from 8 to 9 May 2015 that brought together close to 200 participants from across the country and wide.
ASFL is excited to host this year’s Leadership Forum in partnership with CFME, a think thank founded by, not only an SFL Alumus, but one of the key drivers of the liberty movement in the country.
The Leadership forum holds Saturday, March 24. Click here to apply. For additional queries, email: Linda at [email protected]