Luka Kobalia

Luka Kobalia

SFL Europe

Student leader founds a blockchain consulting company

Luka (left) and his BlockMentor partner in Tbilisi

Luka Kobalia, a student leader in the European country of Georgia, is now the co-founder of a blockchain consulting company, BlockMentor.

Blockchain is the underlying technology of cryptocurrencies, helping to track transactions. The technology has many uses, from tracking the origin of produce and even making elections more secure.

Luka first became involved with Students For Liberty when a friend asked him to create a video highlighting some of the best parts of footage from a recent conference hosted in the Georgian city of Tbilisi. As Luka says, “While creating the final video, I watched all the speeches and interviews over and over again, which then made me realize how awesome and exciting this organization was.”

He was especially motivated by the speeches of Mariam Gogolishvili, a fellow student leader in Georgia.

During his time with Students For Liberty, Luka recalls how he had the opportunity to develop his skills. One of his life-changing moments was when he first heard about blockchain: “I was also introduced to blockchain technology and had a couple of failures in entrepreneurial business. Now, I have a successful local blockchain consulting company – BlockMentor.”

BlockMentor was founded in 2017 by Luka and his partner George Kiknadze.  “It’s a blockchain consulting company with the mission of integrating blockchain into everyday life. After having multiple startups based on this technology, we realized that educating and consulting businesses locally were the first steps to take for initiating major projects afterwards.”

Luka reflects on the impact Students For Liberty has had on his life, saying, “When I become a local coordinator, I was just entering the startup business. SFL helped me to diversify my skills in various fields in addition to introducing me to awesome people with lots of experience. Now, I am proud that I am part of the biggest libertarian student movement, which gave me everything I needed to succeed.”

At Students For Liberty, we facilitate a strong entrepreneurial culture and it’s thrilling to see Luka living that out.

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