Why Reykjavik Conference Should Be a Yes

I am going to Reykjavik Regional Conference, and here’s why you should too!

Every year when European Students For Liberty announces their Regional Conference season, I get so excited that picking one event becomes a dilemma. Each and every conference has its very unique vibe which makes it almost impossible to pick one. BUT I’ve managed to find my perfect this year’s regional event.

Trolls, elves, myths and legends, northern lights and Viking horses sound like another Lord of the Rings scene, right? In fact, I was talking about the Reykjavik Regional Conference held on 22 September 2018.

Vikings’ spirit

Iceland was settled by Vikings from Norway sometime in the 800s which makes Iceland a fairly “young” country when it comes to settlement, and also contributes to its distinct cultural background. The Icelandic horses are unique because they are direct descendants from the horses the Vikings first brought over from mainland Europe.

Find out more here.

Sun at midnight and northern lights?

Being located close to Arctic Circle, Iceland experiences long winter nights and long summer days, with almost 24 hours of darkness/twilight in December and nearly 24 hours of daylight in June.

During the Reykjavik Regional Conference, you would get to experience Iceland with locals, visit some of our most beautiful sights and socialise with locals. More importantly – you might even get the perfect view of the northern lights. Sounds magical, doesn’t it?

Click for more about visiting Iceland during the midnight sun.

Trolls and elves

Most old Icelanders believe in ghosts, trolls, elves, monsters, demons and dark magic. There are many amusing stories and legends about these creatures, and Icelanders go so far as to postpone construction projects if it’s believed that something is going to be built where elves currently live.

Beware – we’ve prepared some of the scariest tales for the conference!

The oldest parliament in the world

The Reykjavik RC offers a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to attend the oldest parliament in the world. Are you sure you can pass on such a chance? I doubt.

The Icelandic Alþingi was established in 930 AD which makes it the oldest running parliament in the world. Remains from the 10th century are thought to be buried underground. The site also includes remains of agricultural use from the 18th and 19th centuries. The park shows evidence of the way the landscape was husbanded for over 1,000 years and is under the protection of UNESCO.

Learn more about Þingvellir National Park here.


See you in Iceland on 22 September!


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