Foreign Language Resources


Foreign Language Resources


SFL primarily relies on our partner organizations for foreign language resources. We’re very thankful for the work of these organizations in translating a variety of libertarian literature. Included below is a short list of our foreign language resources.

SFL is currently working to add more resources to this page. Please check back soon for more languages and resources.


The Arab Scientific Center for Research and Humanities hosts a variety of libertarian resources in Arabic. You can find these resources on their digital library.

Arabic resources are also available on


The Afghanistan Economic and Legal Studies Organization (AELSO) hosts several publications on their website. You can find these resources on their publications page.


The Center for Advancement of Productivity and Trade Opportunities publishes several Farsi translations on their website.


Atlas Network partner, The Lamp of Liberty in Iraq, hosts a variety of Kurdish resources on their website. Please visit their website for resources in Kurdish or to contact their staff.


Atlas Network partners, The Lamp of Liberty in Iran hosts a variety of Persian resources on their website. Please visit their website for resources in Persian or to contact their staff.


For resources in Portuguese, please visit the Estudantes Pela Liberdade website,


For resources in Spanish please visit the Estudiantes por la Libertad website,


Atlas Network Partner has a variety of Vietnamese translations on their website. You can access these materials here.


The Atlas Network posts a variety of foreign language resources on their website. For resources in other languages, please visit the Atlas Network’s In Many Languages page.

The Network for a Free Society also translates a variety of libertarian resources. Please visit their website for more information.

International Society for Individual Liberty (ISIL) president Ken Schoolland has written a book, The Adventures of Jonathan Gullible, to demonstrate the importance of free markets in society. His book has been translated into over 40 languages which you can access at this website. Kerry Pearson also created a short animation to accompany the book. The short animation, The Philosophy of Liberty, has been translated into dozens of languages which can all be found here.