New North American Programs Intern: Jeremiah Baky

New North American Programs Intern: Jeremiah Baky

jeremiah bakyHow do you contribute to SFL in your new job role?

In my job as a North American Programs intern, I work with Monica Lucas and contribute to SFL by helping with the Campus Coordinator program and the North American Executive Board (NAEB). I reach out to incoming CC’s to make sure they are doing their work for the Leading Liberty Academy, as well as the Summer Campus Coordinator Training itself. I reach out to the NAEB to make sure that regular communication is kept between them and their new CCs.

How did you first get interested in liberty?

I got interested in liberty first through a repulsion of everything neo-conservative, especially ignorant social policies, when I was younger, and then by a repulsion of liberal economic policy and the fact that most “liberals” are nothing more than neo-conservatives with socialist tendencies, when I got into college. Liberals today want to regulate as much in personal life as in economic life, and are advocates for illegal, ideologue wars, and that is not a descriptor I care to be associated with anymore.

Who do you think is the most underrated libertarian thinker?

I believe one of the most underrated libertarian thinkers would have to be John Locke. Many people today focus on the ideas of thinkers like Hayek and Ayn Rand, and figures such as Ron Paul, whereas John Locke’s ideas during the Enlightenment are a basis for most libertarian thought today, certainly on the role of government and its powers over the citizenry.  His ideas on government having power over only those who consent are a basis for most minarchist ideas today.

On a non-liberty note, what do you like to do in your free time?

Outside of the office I like meeting new people and exploring new places. I also like reading articles on new technologies and medical procedure, as well as the occasional browsing of memes and Cyanide and Happiness comics. I am also a big Game of Thrones fan, and have recently been introduced to Orange is the New Black and Daredevil, both series I am watching on Netflix in my free time.


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