#OwlGate: What’s Owl Really Thinking?

Yesterday, we posted a pretty innocuous tweet, of an owl who’s tired of hearing about the “wonders of socialism.”

We got a few responses, but one really took things to another level: 


The controversy spread, with the internet asking “Do owls *really* like socialism? Or is something else going on here?”

Thankfully, Buzzfeed and Mic.com stepped up to clear the air… 


One particular great quote from the Mic piece: “Mic would like to extend a special thank you to the ornithologist who said that calls like ours were why he was looking forward to retirement.”

So now we’re asking… what is the owl really thinking? Let us know what you think at #OwlGate!

To the credit of “Dr. Owl” he did like our reply!


Update from an SFL alum: we’re on the Polandball meme page!

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