Students For Liberty (SFL) is the largest libertarian student organization in the world with student leaders spanning well over 100 countries on every inhabited continent. Our mission is to educate, develop, and empower the next generation of leaders of liberty. We accomplish this through a strategy of empowerment, identifying the top student leaders and training them to be agents of change in their communities.
Position Summary
Students For Liberty is currently seeking an enthusiastic, passionate, and highly organized intern to curate content for the SFLAcademy Facebook page. SFLAcademy is our online platform for learning the ideas of liberty in an easy and interactive way. This role requires established experience managing social media account(s). A successful candidate will have a firm commitment to classical liberal ideas and to SFL’s mission statement.
Application Process
Anyone interested in applying for the position should submit a cover letter, any examples of previous work, and resume to Julia Kril at [email protected]. We will reach out to all candidates whose applications we wish to consider.
This position is an unpaid, part-time internship with the opportunity to grow with Students For Liberty.
What does working for Students For Liberty mean?
The SFL team is passionate about liberty and making the world a freer place. SFL team members go the extra mile in order to make sure that more students around the world can benefit from our programs and resources.
Working for SFL is similar to working at a startup. We pride ourselves on fast growth, hard work, quick advancement to a high degree of responsibility and autonomy, embracing entrepreneurship within the organization, and a passion for liberty.