Europe Blog

June 27, 2017

Judges Don’t Use Uber

“Uber is a transportation company”, says senior advisor to the European Court of Justice Maciej Szpunar. If the ECJ were actually to adopt the same attitude as the Polish legal advisor, then […]
June 25, 2017

Jeremy Corbyn: Britain’s Populist Answer to Trump

The market for articles about populism is fairly saturated these days. However, I’ve noticed a rather sizeable gap. While everyone writes about Trump, Le Pen, Wilders and co., there seems to be […]
June 21, 2017

This is why Blockchain Really Matters

There is increasing discussion about the advantages and the rise of cryptocurrencies. Additionally, there is also talk about the efficiency blockchainwill provide to governments and banks. But there is something unfolding in front […]
June 19, 2017

The Boom of the Carpool Market: Free Marketeers Who Don’t Realise that they are

Here’s some good advice when it comes to taking trains in France: don’t. The more I delved into the horror show that is state-run rail, the more the delays, the broken wires, […]
June 17, 2017

Britain Should Embrace Unilateral Free Trade Right Now

If we read the newspapers or listen to the experts, Britain faces two ways to negotiate its way out of the European Union without succumbing to the protectionists’ sirens. The first is […]
June 15, 2017

Is the Crypto-currency Market just one Big Dangerous Bubble?

The recent dramatic rise in the market value of cryptocurrencies – especially of the giants BTC and Ether — has predictably caused a lot of anxiety and lazy shouts of a bubble. It’s a […]
June 13, 2017

The Cost of the War on Drugs: the Example of France

France is among the most strict European countries in the repression against drugs. As a result, the question about the real cost of this repression of illegal substances arises is a particularly […]
June 11, 2017

Ireland’s Next Prime Minister isn’t a Friend of Liberty

Once you have already lost your faith in politicians, it is very rare that anything still surprises you. Unfortunately, such a surprise was also absent in Ireland’s last election, despite international headlines […]
June 9, 2017

May 2017 Update

  European Students For Liberty MAY 2017 UPDATE RC Season Announced Bringing together thousands of students from all over the world, featuring dozens of international speakers and offering an absolutely unique experience, European […]
June 8, 2017

How Political Competition Made Europe Rich

In the quest to explain economic development, institutional competition has been almost systematically ignored by many economists and historians alike who have fallen under the spell of the interpretation of nineteenth-century German […]
June 6, 2017

France is Literally Burning 100 Million Euros

Since January 2017, France requires all cigarette packs to be sold in plain packaging — they all come in the same green-ish colour, only a neutral font lets the consumer identify the different brands. […]
June 3, 2017

Capitalism Is About Working Less to Earn More

In 1800, you had to work, on average, one hour to obtain ten minutes of artificial light. Today, this same hour allows you to buy 300 days of light. In 1900, one […]