Europe Blog

May 30, 2017

James Bond vs. Marvel&DC: Possible significations of pop-culture

Pop culture is commonly represented as devoid of genuine philosophical or political commitment. Its commercial aspect is often emphasized: material which is accessible to a large audience and which does not require […]
May 30, 2017

When Expatriation Is the Only Option

Usually, individuals look for ways to be freer. Among individuals already aware of the mounting problems of ever-repressive tax, police, and social policies of Western governments, the focus is on practical fixes […]
May 28, 2017

Understanding Opportunity Costs might just Solve the Fight with your Neighbour

I first encountered the idea of opportunity costs when I read Frédéric Bastiat’s “That Which is Seen, and That Which is Not Seen”(1), an absolute must read for all students for economics […]
May 26, 2017

The Right to Die: Luxembourg is a Front-Runner

Europe is known to have a healthy relationship to suicide: all countries (apart from Cyprus) allow suicide today. While it may seem ridiculous to enact any legislation that punishes an act that […]
May 23, 2017

Bitcoin in Georgia: A Success Story

On April 28, Georgian Students for Liberty organized its fifth panel discussion for the Defend Your Wallet Campaign. We decided to dedicate this panel to the topic of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies […]
May 22, 2017

How the Free Market Overcomes Religious Coercion in Israel

State-religion relations are a tough issue in Israel. Israelis come from very different religious backgrounds; from totally secular atheists to hardline ultra-orthodox and everything in between; and that’s only the Jews. This […]
May 17, 2017

European Development Associate

Students For Liberty is currently seeking a passionate and professional individual to lead our efforts in development, assisting raising funds on local and regional level and helping us build our long list […]
May 16, 2017

Brexit: Punishing British Firms Will Also Harm European Consumers

The will of the British people to leave the European Union (EU) has unfortunately exposed them to commercial sanctions. Of course, because of political correctness, no one in Brussels claims to want […]
May 16, 2017

Gay Cannibalism and Lesbian Propaganda in Lithuania

Be careful when you walk the streets of Lithuania. You might see things like lesbian extremist propaganda, gay cannibals or , even worse ,  a Nanny-State telling you who you should love or go […]
May 16, 2017

Save the Dates – 2017 Regional Conference Season

European Students For Liberty is proud to present the 2017 Regional Conference Lineup! Bringing together thousands of students from all over the world, featuring dozens of international speakers and offering an absolutely […]
May 16, 2017

The French Soda-Refill Ban: the Bitter Taste of Regulation

In January 2017, the French Parliament passed a bill that effectively banned free soda-refills in restaurants, in an attempt to tackle obesity. Where will its efforts lead us to? Rest assured, if […]
May 14, 2017

We Can Actually Learn Something from the Flat Earth Society

The Earth is flat. NASA is a tax scheme. All you’ve ever heard of satellites, space travel and (of course) the moon landing – is a fraud. Let that sink in for […]