John Mackey to Speak at LibertyCon

Capitalism is great for consumers, and the Whole Foods buy out is a great example of how people win when companies compete. But another question still remains… what’s next for Whole Foods Founder John Mackey?

Well, we’ve got your answer: John Mackey is coming to LibertyCon this March!

That’s right! We’re thrilled to announce that Whole Foods entrepreneur and Conscious Capitalism Co-Founder John Mackey will be speaking at LibertyCon.

While devoting his career to helping shoppers satisfy their lifestyle needs with quality natural and organic foods, Mackey has also focused on building a more conscious way of doing business. And he’s helped countless people see the power of markets  by showing rather than telling.

We couldn’t think of a more perfect speaker to exemplify what Students For Liberty is all about.

Entrepreneurs make everyone better off, and by refusing to cede this moral high ground, Mackey’s made the case for markets accessible to so many people. His best-selling book “Conscious Capitalism: Liberating the Heroic Spirit of Business” says it all. Bring your copy to LibertyCon and get it signed by the man himself!

Liberty isn’t just about theory and ideas — it’s about action and responsibility.

We’re so excited to give you the opportunity to hear from such an inspiring business leader and great communicator who’s lived the ideas we all believe in.

Register for LibertyCon now before prices go up later this fall!!

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