In New Delhi, India, we were there at COP7, protesting with our local Indian activists, covering the event in popular media, Tweeting incessantly, recording a few videos on harm reduction, and finally handing the WHO the award for its role as the LEAST TRANSPARENT ORGANIZATION IN THE GALAXY.
In Calgary, Alberta, we opened our second-ever "No Nanny" Corner Store, complete with plain-packaged chips, soda, and chocolate bars. Our store was featured on CBC and CTV, Canada's largest TV stations. It blew their minds young people would care about lifestyle freedom!
In Milan, Italy, we held a press event with dozens of journalists and stakeholders, letting them all know that students care about lifestyle regulations. We've already gotten dozens of media hits in Italy's largest business and general newspapers. There was a roundtable discussion moderated by some of Italy's top journalists, and there was a great discussion on the next industries to be regulated by zealous governments.
"Anti-Transparency On Display At COP7 Global Anti-Tobacco Conference", The Huffington Post
"Kommt das e-Zigaretten Verbot? Wie die WHO Leben verkürzt", The Huffington Post
"Currier: Protesting 'The Nanny State'", CJOB
"The World Health Organization and the Army of Unnecessary Bureaucracy", The Fielder
"Italian Industry in the Grip of International Regulations and Taxes",
"Liberal Students Against the State Ethic", Il Capitalista
"Students for Liberty against the 'Ethical State'",
"Kommt das e-Zigaretten Verbot? Wie die WHO Leben verkürzt", The Huffington Post
"Currier: Protesting 'The Nanny State'", CJOB
"The World Health Organization and the Army of Unnecessary Bureaucracy", The Fielder
"Italian Industry in the Grip of International Regulations and Taxes",
"Liberal Students Against the State Ethic", Il Capitalista
"Students for Liberty against the 'Ethical State'",
"Così l’Oms ci vuole rieducare alla vita sana", Lintraprendente
"Dio c’ha dato il libero arbitrio. Lo Stato italiano no", Lintraprendente
"Oms, proibizionismo può costare 45mila posti di lavoro nel tabacco in Italia- Foto",
"Oms, proibizionismo può costare 45mila posti di lavoro nel tabacco in Italia",
"Anti-Transparency Steals Spotlight at COP7 Global Anti-Tobacco Conference", Panam Post
"Sigarette elettroniche alla prova dell’Oms", l'Opinione
"Dio c’ha dato il libero arbitrio. Lo Stato italiano no", Lintraprendente
"Oms, proibizionismo può costare 45mila posti di lavoro nel tabacco in Italia- Foto",
"Oms, proibizionismo può costare 45mila posti di lavoro nel tabacco in Italia",
"Anti-Transparency Steals Spotlight at COP7 Global Anti-Tobacco Conference", Panam Post
"Sigarette elettroniche alla prova dell’Oms", l'Opinione