Deborah Bizarria

Deborah Bizarria

Bio: Deborah Bizarria is 21 years old and is an economics student. Since joining the Coordinators Program in 2017, she has become the State Coordinator of Pernambuco and is currently among the top 50 leaders of SFL. Since then, she began to write articles for Revista XXI, Revista Amálgama and for the Instituto Mercado Popular. He also leads LOLA chapter in Pernambuco, participates in the Frei Caneca Club and is a founder associate of Livres. Nowadays, she develops her own blog: Marginal Futility. There, she writes about her interests such as politics, society, gender issues, and Behavioral Economics. Due to the latter, she composed the 2018 class of Behavioral Economics course at Warwick University in London. Thus, has been addressing issues through this new economic perspective, which goes beyond the Orthodox and Austrian currents. 

Favorite Figures in Liberty: Adam Smith, JS Mill and Milton Friedman

On Students For Liberty: When you find yourself alone, longing for more freedom for your country, SFL rescues you and shows that there are many others that have the same dream as you do. Then, you realize its possible that, together, we can build a freer future.