
November 8, 2017

Why is Vladmir Putin afraid of Adam Smith? 🇷🇺

Russia, the EU, food production, protestants, drugs, astronomy, Japan, gadgets, the moon, and time travel.
October 11, 2017

Jesus Christ in a G-String! 😮

Lithuania, violence, capitalism, IKEA shelves, UBI, flops, Catalonia, capacitators, organ trade, and seasteading are the topics in this selection Articles and Videos you should read or watch today. Presented in collaboration with Freedom Today Journal. Subscribe here […]
September 1, 2017

Did the Early Modern States Really Bring Religious Freedom?

Mark Koyama recently published an article on Aeon that is based on his forthcoming book co-authored with Noel Johnson, in which he argues that, contrary to the dominant narrative, it is not the ideas […]
September 16, 2011

Watch Your Phraseology!

Religious metaphors are very useful. They appeal to many different types of people, they are almost universally understood, and they  make it very clear that the matter at hand is important. However, […]