religious freedom

September 1, 2017

Did the Early Modern States Really Bring Religious Freedom?

Mark Koyama recently published an article on Aeon that is based on his forthcoming book co-authored with Noel Johnson, in which he argues that, contrary to the dominant narrative, it is not the ideas […]
September 24, 2016

The Civil Rights Commission Doesn’t Understand Rights

The United States Commission on Civil Rights recently released “Peaceful Coexistence: Reconciling Nondiscrimination Principles with Civil Liberties,” a report examining the “balance struck in the law between faith-based exemptions from otherwise applicable nondiscrimination laws, and legal protections […]
August 25, 2015

Calling All Young Entrepreneurs of Faith

Tomorrow is the last day to apply for the Faith Entrepreneur Prize, which offers $100,000 to a young social entrepreneur looking to change the world through faith-based community engagement. The prize is […]